Aberystwyth vet Phil Thomas presented with Honorary Fellowship

Dr Emyr Roberts, Chair of Aberystwyth University Council, presenting an Honorary Fellowship to Phil Thomas
20 July 2023
Phil Thomas, Director of Ystwyth Veterinary Practice in Aberystwyth, has been presented with an Honorary Fellowship of Aberystwyth University.
Born, raised and educated in Aberystwyth, Phil Thomas studied in the Royal Veterinary College in London.
He worked in mixed veterinary practices in Llandovery and Bridgend until 1991.
He then spent three years helping to develop veterinary services in Battambang, a western province of Cambodia, through Voluntary Services Overseas.
On his return he worked in several mixed practices before returning to Aberystwyth taking a position at Ystwyth Vets, where he has gone on to become a partner and latterly a director, job sharing with his partner, Dr Kate O’Sullivan, whilst they raised their four children.
He has been involved with many local and veterinary groups, including as a director of Iechyd Da, one of partners that delivers veterinary services to the UK and Welsh governments. Through this role, he was involved with Aberystwyth University in setting up the Wales Veterinary Science Centre in the site of the closed veterinary investigation centre in Aberystwyth.
He has assisted in the interviewing, teaching, examining and mentoring of students at Aberystwyth University.
Phil Thomas was presented as Honorary Fellow by Sharon King, Lecturer in Veterinary Science in the Department of Life Sciences, on Thursday 20 July 2023.
The full conferral presentation is available below, in the language in which it was delivered.
Presentation of Phil Thomas by Sharon King:
Cadeirydd y Cyngor, Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor, graddedigion, gyfeillion. Pleser o’r mwyaf yw cyflwyno Phil Thomas yn gymrawd Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Chair of Council, Pro Vice-Chancellor, graduates and supporters. It is an honour and a privilege to present Phil Thomas as a Fellow of Aberystwyth University.
Dwi’n nabod Phil, a’i deulu ers mwy o flynyddoedd na hoffwn gofion, yn mynychu yr un ysgol gynradd, yr un coleg milfeddygol, gweld practis yn yr un filfeddygfa a dychwelyd i weithio yn yr un ardal....... wir yr Phil, dwi ddim ar eich trywydd!! Ganed, magwyd ac addysgwyd Phil yn lleol cyn iddo raddio gyda BVetMed o’r Coleg Milfeddygol Brenhinol (RVC), yn Llundain ym 1987. Yna fe ddysgodd ei grefft yn gweithio mewn milfeddygfeydd yn Llanymddyfri a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr cyn gweithio fel Swyddog Gwasanaeth Gwirfoddol i Weinidogaeth Amaeth Cambodia o 1991-94, yn gweithio yno i ddatblygu gwasanaethau milfeddygol ym Mattambang, un o daleithiau gorllewinol Cambodia. Ar ei ddychwelyd, fe weithiodd mewn amryw o filfeddygfeydd anifeiliaid cymysg, cyn dychwelyd a setlo yn ei dref gartref, ble ddaeth yn bartner ac yn ddiweddarach yn gyfarwyddwr yng Ngrŵp Milfeddygol Ystwyth (Ystwyth Vets). Mae wedi helpu i fagu pedwar o blant gyda’i wraig Kate ynghyd â’r ddau ohonynt yn dod yn sêr y teledu ar gyfres teledu Cymraeg, S4C, ‘Y Fets’ gan ddangos bod angen i gyfarwyddwyr weithiau fopio’r lloriau!
In 2012, or there abouts, it may not be common knowledge, but Phil wrote an email, stating his dream for the Agricultural and Veterinary Industries in Wales. This dream was to once again see a Welsh veterinary diagnostic laboratory in Aberystwyth following the closure of the government Veterinary Investigation Centre along with the first Welsh Veterinary School, educating the vets of the future here in Wales, thus placing Aberystwyth on the map as a centre of excellence for animal health in Wales. Not long after, in 2014/15, following involvement with many local veterinary groups and becoming one of the directors of Iechyd Da, one of the delivery partners delivering veterinary services to the UK and Welsh governments, Phil was instrumental along with Aberystwyth University in setting up the Wales Veterinary Science Centre at the site of the closed veterinary investigation centre on the Buarth here in Aberystwyth.
Yna yn 2021, gwelwyd agoriad swyddogol Ysgol Gwyddor Filfeddygol Prifysgol Aberystwyth, diweddglo misoedd a blynyddoedd o waith caled gan amryw unigolion a chyn-ddeiliaid, gyda Phil yn un o’r cefnogwyr mwyaf blaenllaw. Yng ngeiriau Phil ei hun fel “middling wannabe poet”, a rhan o dim Talwrn Talybont, fe ysgrifennodd englyn goffa i ddathlu agoriad yr Ysgol:
Yma trig gweledigaeth, yn aelwyd
coleg milfeddygaeth.
Nid fe ddaw, ond fe a ddaeth
ein goriad i ragoriaeth
gyda’r plac coffa yn cymryd ei le yn y Ganolfan Addysg Filfeddygol. Ers hynny, mae Phil wedi cynorthwyo gyda chyfweliadau ac arholi drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a mentora myfyrwyr milfeddygol yn yr ysgol filfeddygol.
Phil’s passion, determination, contribution and dedication to his vision, proves that dreams can and really do come true!
Dyn ei fro, â barn gadarn,
Cymro, a chefn gwlad ei lwyfan,
Addysg yw ffrwyth ei winllan,
A’i gyd-ddyn yn sail i’w anian.
Cadeirydd y Cyngor, Dirprwy Ganghellor, mae’n bleser gen i gyflwyno Phil Thomas i chi yn Gymrawd.
Chair of Council, Pro Chancellor, it is my absolute pleasure to present Phil Thomas to you as a Fellow of Aberystwyth University.
Professor Neil Glasser (Pro Vice-Chancellor Faculty of Earth & Life Sciences), Phil Thomas (Honorary Fellow), Dr Emyr Roberts (Aberystwyth University Chair of Council)
Aberystwyth University Honours 2023
Each year, Aberystwyth University confers Honorary Awards on a small number of distinguished individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievement and contribution.
Aberystwyth University awards celebrate individuals who have roots in, or connections to, the region and have either: made an exceptional and outstanding contribution to the development of the University over a prolonged period; gained recognition for national or international excellence in an academic area relevant to the University; or made a significant contribution to the cultural, academic, educational, professional or economic arena.
The 2023 Honorary Fellows are (in order of presentation):
- Helen Prosser, Director of Teaching and Learning at the National Centre for Learning Welsh
- Tina Evans, ‘Human on Wheels’ inspirational blogger and motivational speaker, and television presenter
- Ben Thompson, Short Film Programmer at Tribeca Festival in New York
- Ann Griffith, Leader of Wales and the World at the 2022 National Eisteddfod
- Professor Dato' Dr Rahmat Mohamad, Professor of Law at MARA Technological University in Malaysia
- Kate O’Sullivan, veterinary surgeon for Mill Referrals, Director of Ystwyth Vets and British Small Animal Veterinary Association volunteer
- Phil Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Director of Ystwyth Vets and Director of Iechyd Da
- Ian Gwyn Hughes, Head of Public Relations at the Football Association of Wales and former BBC Wales football correspondent.