University makes White Ribbon Day commitment to tackle violence against women and girls

24 November 2022
Aberystwyth University is marking this year’s White Ribbon Day (25 November) by pledging its support to ending men's violence against women and girls and to promoting gender equality.
The University is supporting the aims of White Ribbon, the UK’s leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls.
As part of its commitment, the University is promoting positive culture change in society, encouraging students and staff to call out gender-based abuse and discrimination, and highlighting the specialist support services available to staff and students who have experienced or witnessed violence, abuse or harassment.
Aberystwyth University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Elizabeth Treasure, said:
“We know that many women and girls experience inequality and violence, and we all have a responsibility to be proactive in challenging violence and abuse and calling out gender-based discrimination and inequality.
“As a caring University community, it is vital that we do all that we can to ensure a safe and supportive campus environment in which women and girls feel free to be themselves without fear of harassment, abuse and/or violence.”
Professor Tim Woods, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Learning, Teaching and Student Experience at Aberystwyth University said:
“At the University we are working on a number of projects which are consistent with the aims of the White Ribbon campaign, and which contribute towards our long-running commitment to changing culture within society as a whole and challenging all forms of harassment and violence. For example, earlier this year we introduced sexual consent awareness training and initiated our new Sexual Violence and Misconduct Support Service.”
The new pledge is in addition to the University’s Transgender Equality Policy Statement and Dignity and Respect at Work Policy, which condemn abuse, harassment, bullying or discrimination because of gender identity or status, or any other protected characteristics.
For more information about White Ribbon, visit: