Wales’ favourite artworks go on display in Aberystwyth

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16 May 2022
Aberystwyth Arts Centre is exhibiting a selection of the nation’s favourite artworks as part of an initiative to share the national art collection with communities and galleries across the country.
The Celf ar y Cyd on tour project will see around 30 pieces of art from the Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales collection touring to Aberystwyth Arts Centre 30 April – 26 June 2022, Y Gaer, Brecon, 9 July – 30 October 2022, Oriel Ynys Môn, 11 February – 14 May 2023.
Celf ar y Cyd on tour follows an Instagram vote held during the Covid 19 pandemic. While National Museum Cardiff’s galleries were closed in 2020, curators from Amgueddfa Cymru selected 100 artworks and shared them digitally via the @celfarycyd Instagram. The public were then asked to vote for their favourite artworks from the collection using the ‘like’ button. This helped produce a shortlist of their Top 30 artworks culminating in the exhibition which is touring to galleries across Wales.
From neolithic stone carving to the most recent contemporary art, ceramics and photography, the selection reflects the rich diversity and experience of life in Wales. Artists include Thomas Jones, Betty Woodman, Adam Buick, David Hurn, Laura Ford, Elizabeth Fritsch and many more.
Celf ar y Cyd is a group of four projects which were developed to share the visual arts across Wales at a time when museums and galleries were closed to the public. Funded by the Welsh Government, the project is a partnership between Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales and Arts Council of Wales. As well as Celf ar y Cyd on tour, the projects also include Art in Hospitals, the digital arts magazine Cynfas and series of commissions which asked Wales-based artists to use the museum’s collection to inspire new work.
Thomas Jones (1742-1803), Adeiladau yn Napoli / Buildings in Naples, 1774 © Amgueddfa Cymru
Ffion Rhys, Curator of exhibitions at Aberystwyth Arts Centre said: “We are extremely proud to be working with Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales on this project and to present the exhibition Celf ar y Cydon tour at Aberystwyth Arts Centre. It is a beautiful exhibition of artworks selected by the public, and creates an important opportunity for audiences across Wales to enjoy our national collection.”
Dr Kath Davies, Director of Collections and Research, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales said: “The national collection belongs to everyone in Wales. This project is a starting point in our ambition to build a new sense of ownership and collaboration, and to ensure that artworks can be seen in different locations across the country on a regular basis. The public choice has resulted in a rich and varied mix of work with something for everyone to enjoy.”
Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden, said, “I’m delighted that we’ve been able to provide funding support for Celf ar y Cyd. It’s great news that this exhibition - which has been voted for by the public – is now making its way around Wales. This is an excellent way for more people to see the wealth and variety of artworks at Amgueddfa Cymru and for this to be shared with communities across Wales.”
The exhibition is open to the public, and admission is free. Aberystwyth Arts Centre gallery is open from 10am – 5pm Monday to Wednesday, 10am – 8pm Thursday to Saturday and 1pm – 5pm on Sundays.
Laura Ford (1961-), Clod Clod (Het a Chyrn)- Glory Glory (Hat and Horns), 2005 ©Laura Ford.jpg