North American Gooseberries - bad for biodiversity?
03 April 2006
There has been much public concern about the spread of genes from GM crops into wild plants. The conclusion has been that the risks are very low, but inevitably GM genes will probably escape into the environment. The trickier question to answer is – so what?
Promoting Welsh Higher Education in Brussels
06 April 2006
Stephen Lawrence, Director of Development and External Affairs at UWA is the chair of a new organisation created to promote the interests of Welsh Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Europe.
Solar researchers set sights on Venus
11 April 2006
UWA's Solar System Research Team opens a new chapter in its distinguished history as the European Space Agency's Venus Express mission goes into orbit.
Solar scientists meet at UWA
10 April 2006
The UK's leading Solar System Physicists are in Aberystwyth this week for the prestigious MIST (Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar Terrestrial) / UKSP (UK Solar Physics) meeting which is being hosted by the University.
Sir Jeremy Greenstock to lecture at UWA
13 April 2006
The David Davies Memorial Institute Annual Lecture will be delivered by Sir Jeremy Greenstock, former British Ambassador to the United Nations, Monday 24 April at 7pm in the Old College. The title of the lecture is 'Globalisation or Polarisation: Where is the World Heading?'