Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Independent Research Project
Academic Year
Semester 1 (Taught over 2 semesters)

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Independent Research Project  Final submission of 10,000-word project. This will take the form of either a 10,000-word English Literature dissertation or a 7,000-word creative piece, or between 280 and 420 lines of poetry, accompanied by a 3,000-word research essay.  100%
Semester Assessment Proposal  A two to four-page proposal, using a prepared form, that sets out the student's detailed plans for their project 750 Words  0%
Semester Assessment Writing sample 2  to be read by the supervisor for formative feedback 2500 Words  0%
Semester Assessment Writing sample 1  to be read by the supervisor for formative feedback 1500 Words  0%
Supplementary Assessment Independent Research Project  Final submission of 10,000-word project  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Conceive, plan and execute a study of an appropriate topic based on research, structured over an extended piece of (creative and/ or critical) writing.

Conduct independent research, compile bibliographies and find ways around appropriate research materials.

Demonstrate a critically focused understanding of literary texts, cultural contexts, and/ or theoretical concerns.

Complete the writing of an extended researched project in compliance with the substantive and formal requirements expected of an undergraduate final-year project.

Brief description

The Independent Research Project takes place over the whole of the third year of the degree. It is the culmination of students’ undergraduate work in English Literature and Creative Writing. The module enables students to extend and deepen their existing studies by carrying out a substantial piece of independent research, with the support of a supervisor, and producing a 10,000-word piece of work in the form of either an English Literature dissertation or a Creative Writing portfolio. This module gives students the opportunity to plan their own course of study and to explore topics that are not on the curriculum. It also prepares them for postgraduate study, if they choose to go down that route.


Semester One:
1 x 1-hour introductory lecture
4 x 2-hour workshops to develop topics and prepare for the proposal
2 x 30-minute individual supervisions

Semester Two:
2 x 30-minute individual supervisions
1 x 1-hour group meeting

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Co-ordinating with others Students will demonstrate this skill through group work and discussion in workshops
Creative Problem Solving Students will demonstrate this skill through research initiative and in the planning and development of their projects and through developing their central argument or the plot or structure of their creative piece.
Critical and analytical thinking Students will demonstrate this skill through the development of their research questions and in the presentation of their argument in the dissertation or research essay
Digital capability Students will demonstrate this skill through online research, word processing, and correctly formatting and presenting their work
Reflection Students who undertake a Creative Writing project will formally reflect on their work in the research essay. All students on the module will reflect on and evaluate their work and their working processes through the supervision process and their responses to formative feedback.
Subject Specific Skills English Literature students will undertake subject-specific research, engage appropriately with literary criticism, and present their own extended argument and literary analysis in accordance with the norms of the subject. Creative Writing students will engage appropriately with genre conventions and literary techniques and will incorporate their research into their creative piece.


This module is at CQFW Level 6