Module Information
Course Delivery
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | .5 Hours Arholiad: Llafar May exam period .5 Awr | 20% |
Semester Assessment | (NB awaiting translation) PopMed - Data Analysis and Interpr 1500 o eiriau | 5% |
Semester Assessment | .5 Hours Asesiad Llafar (Semester 1) Semester 1 assessment .5 Awr | 10% |
Semester Assessment | Traethawd - PVP 3000 o eiriau | 5% |
Semester Exam | 2 Hours Arholiad: MCQ May exam period 2 Awr | 20% |
Semester Exam | 1.5 Hours SAQ (semester 1) Semester 1 assessment 1.5 Awr | 10% |
Semester Exam | 1.5 Hours MCQ (semester 1) Semester 1 assessment 1.5 Awr | 10% |
Semester Exam | 2 Hours Arholiad: SAQ May exam period 2 Awr | 20% |
Supplementary Assessment | .5 Hours Asesiad Llafar .5 Awr | 10% |
Supplementary Assessment | .5 Hours Arholiad Semester - Llafar .5 Awr | 20% |
Supplementary Assessment | Traethawd - PVP 3000 o eiriau | 5% |
Supplementary Assessment | (NB awaiting translation) PopMed - Data Analysis and Interpr 1500 o eiriau | 5% |
Supplementary Exam | 2 Hours Arholiad Semester: SAQ 2 Awr | 20% |
Supplementary Exam | 1.5 Hours MCQ 1.5 Awr | 10% |
Supplementary Exam | 2 Hours Arholiad Semester: MCQ 2 Awr | 20% |
Supplementary Exam | 1.5 Hours SAQ This is a mid-term assessment 1.5 Awr | 10% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
Disgrifio adeiledd a gweithrediad arferol anifeiliaid gan gynnwys egwyddorion homeostasis a’r ffactorau sy’n gallu tarfu arnynt
Dangos dealltwriaeth o swyddogaethau theori foesegol, meddygaeth sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, a phroffesiynoldeb yng ngwaith y milfeddyg.
Deall adeiledd sylfaenol a natur fiolegol micro-organebau a pharasitiaid, a chymhwyso'r rhain i imiwnoleg, pathogenesis a dulliau rheoli clefydau penodol.
Disgrifio gofal anifeiliaid yng nghyswllt systemau cynhyrchu da byw, y diwydiant ceffylau ac anifeiliaid anwes, gan gynnwys dulliau rheoli, yr amgylchedd, maeth a'u hymddygiad arferol, a chymhwyso'r rhain wrth weithio gydag anifeiliaid penodol.
Nodi cyfraniad ymchwil fiolegol sylfaenol i faes milfeddygaeth
(NB: Awaiting translation) Understand basic epidemiological principles and management of animals at the herd-level, while still protecting public health
Brief description
The module consists of six “strands” that will provide students with an introduction to the basic foundations of veterinary science. The “Population Medicine And Veterinary Public Health” strand is an introduction to epidemiological aspects of herd-level health and how this can impact public health. In this second year, students will gain a practical and theoretical understanding of anatomy and physiology of the major animal body systems in three strands: “Alimentary, Endocrine and Urogenital systems”, ”Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Locomotor systems”, “Neurology, Ophthalmology and Special Senses”. Understanding of core biological concepts will be delivered in the “Principles of Science” strand encompassing areas such as infectious diseases, pathology, genetics and immunology. Finally, the “Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine” strand introduces important themes of professionalism, ethics, communication skills and decision-making
1. Provide an overview of the normal tissue architecture, developmental biology, physiology, and husbandry of animals, with an emphasis on domestic livestock and pets.
2. Develop skills in confidently working with domestic livestock and pets and understanding their normal behaviour.
3. Describe the structure of selected microorganisms and parasites, how they invade animal hosts and the mechanisms utilised by vertebrates to resist such invasion.
4. Describe genetic processes at all levels of organisation (e.g. molecular, chromosomal, population) with reference to appropriate structures and concepts.
5. Describe the roles and standards expected of veterinarians in the profession.
6. Provide an introduction to data analysis, decision making and veterinary public health.
The module comprises the following strands:
1. AEU: Alimentary, endocrine and urogenital systems
2. CRL: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Locomotor systems
3. PVP: Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine
4. NOSS: Neurology, Ophthalmology and Special Senses
5. PRIS: Principles of Science
6. POPMED: Population Medicine And Veterinary Public Health
Teaching will be delivered through a mixture of lectures, practicals and self-directed learning, with a strong emphasis on small group working and problem-solving.
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Adaptability and resilience | Y tu allan i'r oriau cyswllt ffurfiol, disgwylir i'r myfyrwyr wneud ymchwil, rheoli eu hamser a chyflwyno gwaith cwrs a gweithio at yr arholiadau erbyn y dyddiadau penodedig. Nid asesir yr agwedd hon. |
Co-ordinating with others | Drwy ddysgu mewn grwpiau bychain, anogir y myfyrwyr i gyfleu gwybodaeth, ei hasesu a'i chyflwyno mewn tîm. Nid asesir yr agwedd hon. |
Creative Problem Solving | Bydd dysgu drwy mewn grwpiau bach, dosbarthiadau ymarferol, y gwaith cwrs a'r arholiadau yn cynnwys golygu datrys problemau. |
Critical and analytical thinking | Bydd y gwaith cwrs a'r arholiad yn gofyn i fyfyrwyr ymchwilio yn ddyfnach i bynciau ymchwil y tu hwnt deunydd y darlithoedd. Defnyddir gwybodaeth o amrywiaeth o ffynonellau. Asesir y sgiliau ymchwil yn yr arholiad a'r gwaith cwrs. |
Digital capability | Defnyddio'r we i gael ffynonellau dibynadwy o wybodaeth a defnyddio cronfeydd data i ddod o hyd i destunau perthnasol wrth baratoi at y gwaith cwrs a’r arholiad. Bydd sut fydd y gwaith cwrs yn cael ei gyflwyno yn cael ei asesu. |
Professional communication | Bydd myfyrwyr yn datblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu ysgrifenedig effeithiol yn y ddau aseiniad ac yn y grwpiau tiwtorial. |
Real world sense | Bydd gan y myfyrwyr gyswllt â milfeddygon ac ymchwilwyr bioleg a fydd yn rhoi iddynt ddealltwriaeth am y sectorau hyn gan hwyluso eu datblygiad proffesiynol. Nid asesir yr agwedd hon. |
Reflection | Mae myfyrio yn elfen amlwg a bwysleisir drwy gydol 5 mlynedd y cwrs BVSc. Yn BVSc 1 a BVSc 2, mae myfyrwyr yn cael cyfle i fyfyrio’n ffurfiannol a chyfansymiol ar eu profiadau mewn milfeddygfeydd, ar ffermydd, neu yn y Brifysgol. |
Subject Specific Skills | Yn ystod y modiwl, bydd myfyrwyr yn dysgu am derminoleg filfeddygol, technegau labordy a chyfliniadau anatomegol. Bydd yr traethawdy yn rhoi mewnwelediad i ysgrifennu gwyddonol. |
This module is at CQFW Level 5