Module Information

Cod y Modiwl
Teitl y Modiwl
Prosiect Ymchwil Seicoleg Fforensig
Blwyddyn Academaidd
Cyd-gysylltydd y Modiwl
Semester 2 (Dysgwyd dros 2 semester)

Manylion y cyrsiau


Dulliau Asesu

Math o Assessiad Manylion / Hyd Assessiad Cyfran
Asesiad Ailsefyll Moeseg  Ffurflen gais moeseg​ 1000 o eiriau  10%
Asesiad Ailsefyll Adroddiad Ysgrifenedig  Adroddiad Ysgrifenedig 9000 o eiriau  90%
Asesiad Semester Adroddiad Ysgrifenedig  9000 o eiriau  90%
Asesiad Semester Moeseg  Ffurflen Gais Moeseg 1000 o eiriau  10%

Canlyniadau Dysgu

Wedi cwblhau'r modiwl dylai'r myfyrwyr fedru:

Arddangos gallu i ddylunio astudiaeth ymchwil wreiddiol sy'n gysylltiedig â seicoleg fforensig a llunio damcaniaethau neu gwestiynau ymchwil, yn seiliedig ar lenyddiaeth flaenorol

Aseswch y llenyddiaeth yn yr ardal yn feirniadol ac archwiliwch oblygiadau'r llenyddiaeth honno i'r astudiaeth.

Dangos ymwybyddiaeth o faterion moesegol trwy gymeradwyo cynnig y prosiect yn llwyddiannus gan bwyllgor moeseg yr Adran/Sefydliad, ac wrth gynnal yr ymchwil, trin data, ac ysgrifennu a lledaenu canlyniadau wedi hynny.

Nodi, cyfiawnhau, a defnyddio a disgrifio'n briodol ddulliau ar gyfer casglu a dadansoddi data, ac fel y gellir ailadrodd yr astudiaeth yn llawn.

Cyflwyno’r canlyniadau’n gywir ac yn briodol, a gwerthuso’r canfyddiadau’n feirniadol mewn perthynas ag ymchwil sy’n bodoli eisoes.

Ystyried unrhyw gyfyngiadau, goblygiadau a chymwysiadau o ganfyddiadau ymchwil a sut y gellir datblygu'r astudiaeth mewn ymchwil yn y dyfodol.

Cyfleu'r canfyddiadau mewn adroddiad ysgrifenedig.

Dogfennu, cynnal a gallu dangos tystiolaeth o gofnod priodol a thrylwyr o'r broses ymchwil, o'r syniad cychwynnol i ysgrifennu'r ymchwil.

Disgrifiad cryno

Disgwylir i fyfyrwyr wneud y gwaith angenrheidiol i ddylunio, cynllunio a chynnal astudiaeth yn seiliedig ar gwestiwn ymchwil fforensig addas gyda chymorth goruchwyliwr. Rôl y goruchwyliwr yw rhoi arweiniad i'r myfyriwr drwy gydol y prosiect, ond anogir myfyrwyr i weithio mor annibynnol â phosibl. Gall faint o amser a dreulir ar y prosiect amrywio yn ôl natur yr astudiaeth, ond dylai myfyrwyr ddisgwyl treulio o leiaf 400 awr yn gweithio ar eu prosiect.


Mae cydrannau cyfyngedig a addysgir i’r modiwl sy’n canolbwyntio ar y canlynol:

Y broses oruchwylio a moeseg ymchwil

Ysgrifennu eich traethawd hir

Sgiliau Modiwl

Math o Sgiliau Manylion Sgiliau
Addasrwydd a gwydnwch The module aims to promote self-management as the project is the opportunity to demonstrate the students skills in managing their time within a specified number of weeks. Students will receive support from their supervisor but will be encouraged to work autonomously although it is anticipated that students will negotiate support from their peers and may work in teams for data collection. Students will be expected to improve their own learning and performance during the research process.
Cydlynu ag erail Supervisors may choose to work with their students in groups, as appropriate, where students will be required to produce the necessary work and contribute to group discussions.
Cyfathrebu proffesiynol Students will understand the importance of information and clear communication and how to exploit these. They will know how to use the many sources of information available and how to use the most appropriate form of communication to the best advantage. They will learn to be clear and direct in their aims and objectives. They will learn to consider only that which is relevant to the topic and to focus on the objectives of their argument or discussion.
Datrys Problemau Creadigol Independent project work and problem solving will be one of the central goals of the module; the identification of a research topic with associated research hypotheses/questions will require the student to develop independent research skills as well as problem solving skills. The ability of students to solve problems will be developed and assessed by asking them to: adopt differing points of view; organize data and estimate an answer to the problem; consider case studies; reason logically;
Gallu digidol Students will be expected to submit their work in word-processed format. Also, students will be encouraged to search for sources of information on the web, as well as seeking sources through electronic information sources (such as Web of Science and Primo). Students will use a number of software packages during the course of the module including Excel, PowerPoint and SPSS for Windows. Students ability to use IT as a skill integral to the presentation of the project report will be assessed.
Sgiliau Pwnc-benodol The project is the culmination of student learning about forensic psychology developed throughout the degree scheme. Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of key aspects and concepts of forensic psychology. The subject specific skills will be developed throughout the module include: Assessment of research methods in forensic psychology. Appreciation of the nature of ethical research in the social sciences. Conceptual understanding of the applied aspects of forensic psych.


Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cydymffurfio a FfCChC Lefel 6