Module Information
Undergraduate Modules - Mathematics (2025/2026)
Part 1 Semester 1
Part 1 Semester 2
- MA00910 - Introduction to Statistics
- MA01020 - Mathematics Tutorial
- MA03610 - Foundations of Mathematics 2
- MA10720 - Career Planning and Mathematical Skills Development
- MA11110 - Mathematical Analysis
- MA11210 - Differential Equations
- MA11310 - Statistics
- MA15210 - Games, Puzzles and Strategies 2
- MP11010 - Further Algebra and Calculus
- MT10720 - Cynllunio Gyrfa a Datblygu Sgiliau Mathemategol
- MT11010 - Algebra a Chalcwlws Pellach
- MT11110 - Dadansoddi Mathemategol
- MT11210 - Hafaliadau Differol
- MT11310 - Ystadegaeth
Part 2 Semester 1
- MA20110 - Real Analysis
- MA20310 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra
- MA25200 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis and its applications
- MA26010 - Distributions and Estimation
- MA26600 - Applied Statistics
- MA30110 - Group Theory
- MA30210 - Norms and Differential Equations
- MA30510 - Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
- MA33410 - Theory of Elasticity
- MA34110 - Partial Differential Equations
- MA34610 - Hydrodynamics ii
- MA35810 - Information Theory
- MA36510 - Linear Statistical Models
- MA36800 - Statistical Inference and Linear Models
- MA37810 - Stochastic Models in Finance
- MA39910 - Project in Mathematics or Statistics
- MAM3420 - Advanced Mathematical Methods in Elasticity
- MAM5120 - Statistical Concepts, Methods and Tools
- MAM5820 - Quantum Information Theory
- MAM9720 - Minor Project
- MAS0100 - Mathematics Year in Industry
- MAS0200 - Mathematics Year in Industry
- MT20110 - Dadansoddiad Real
- MT25200 - Cyflwyniad i Ddadansoddiad Rhifiadol a'i Gymwysiadau
- MT30210 - Normau a Hafaliadau Differol
- MT34110 - Hafaliadau Differol Rhannol
- MT39020 - Cyflwyniad i Addysgu Mathemateg mewn Ysgol Uwchradd
- MT39910 - Prosiect Mewn Mathemateg neu Ystadegaeth
- MTM9720 - Prosiect Llai
Part 2 Semester 2
- MA21410 - Linear Algebra
- MA21510 - Complex Analysis
- MA25220 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis and its applications
- MA25610 - Hydrodynamics 1
- MA25710 - Advanced Dynamics
- MA26620 - Applied Statistics
- MA32410 - Graphs and Networks
- MA33520 - Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
- MA34210 - Asymptotic Methods in Mechanics
- MA35210 - Topics in Biological Statistics
- MA36010 - Comparative Statistical Inference
- MA36820 - Statistical Inference and Linear Models
- MA37410 - Probability and Stochastic Processes
- MA38010 - Spectral Theory
- MA38310 - Operator Algebra
- MA39910 - Project in Mathematics or Statistics
- MAM5220 - Statistical Techniques for Computational Scientists
- MAM8020 - Spectral Theory
- MAM9840 - Major Project
- MAS0160 - Mathematics Year in Industry
- MAS0260 - Mathematics Year in Industry
- MT21410 - Algebra Llinol
- MT21510 - Dadansoddiad Cymhlyg
- MT25220 - Cyflwyniad i Ddadansoddiad Rhifiadol a'i Gymwysiadau
- MT25610 - Hydrodynameg 1
- MT32410 - Graffiau a Rhwydweithiau
- MT34210 - Dulliau Asymptotig mewn Mecaneg
- MT39910 - Prosiect Mewn Mathemateg neu Ystadegaeth
- MTM9840 - Prif Brosiect
Postgraduate Modules - Mathematics (2025/2026)
Semester 3 (Dissertation)