Module Information
Undergraduate Modules - International Politics (2025/2026)
Part 1 Semester 1
- GW12420 - Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd
- GW12620 - Y Tu ôl i'r Penawdau
- IP12420 - Exploring the International 1: Central Concepts and Core Skills
- IP12620 - Behind the Headlines
- IP12820 - The Making of the Modern World: War Peace and Revolution since 1789
Part 1 Semester 2
- GW12520 - Globaleiddio a Datblygiad Byd-eang
- GW12920 - Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Unfed Ganrif ar Hugain
- IP10320 - War, Strategy and Intelligence
- IP12520 - Globalization and Global Development
- IP12920 - Politics in the 21st Century
Part 2 Summer
- IQ25010 - Identity and Nationhood in Wales
Part 2 Semester 1
- GQ23820 - Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen?
- GQ23920 - Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
- GQ33820 - Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen?
- GW29920 - Cenedlaetholdeb mewn Theori a Realiti
- GW30000 - Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
- GW39920 - Cenedlaetholdeb Mewn Theori a Realiti
- IP20420 - The Strategy and Politics of Nuclear Weapons
- IP21320 - The Arab-Israeli Wars
- IP23320 - NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War
- IP24020 - EU Simulation
- IP28820 - Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800
- IP29220 - International Politics and Global Development
- IP29920 - Nationalism in Theory and Practice
- IP30000 - Dissertation
- IP30420 - The Strategy and Politics of Nuclear Weapons
- IP31320 - The Arab-Israeli Wars
- IP33320 - NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War
- IP34020 - EU Simulation
- IP38820 - Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800
- IP39920 - Nationalism in Theory and Practice
- IPS1100 - Work Placement
- IPS1200 - Work Placement
- IQ23820 - UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain?
- IQ23920 - People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
- IQ24420 - Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics
- IQ25120 - Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics
- IQ33820 - UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain?
- IQ34420 - Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics
Part 2 Semester 2
- GW20120 - Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau
- GW25820 - Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell
- GW30040 - Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
- GW35820 - Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell
- IP20120 - International Relations: Perspectives and Debates
- IP21620 - Women and Military Service
- IP22320 - The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module
- IP25320 - Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918
- IP26020 - The Past and Present of US Intelligence
- IP29620 - Women and Global Development
- IP30040 - Dissertation
- IP31620 - Women and Military Service
- IP36020 - The Past and Present of US Intelligence
- IP39620 - Women and Global Development
- IPS1160 - Work Placement
- IPS1260 - Work Placement
- IQ20520 - From Mincemeat to Cyberwars: A Global Perspective on Covert Operations since 1945
- IQ21720 - Justice, Order, Human Rights
- IQ22820 - Capitalism and International Politics
- IQ22920 - Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
- IQ24320 - Economic Diplomacy and Leadership
- IQ30520 - From Mincemeat to Cyberwars: A Global Perspective on Covert Operations since 1945
- IQ31720 - Justice, Order, Human Rights
- IQ32820 - Capitalism and International Politics
- IQ32920 - Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
- IQ34320 - Economic Diplomacy and Leadership
Postgraduate Modules - International Politics (2025/2026)
Semester 1
- IPM0420 - Intelligence, Security and International Relations in the 20th Century
- IPM0620 - Indigenous Politics
- IPM1920 - International Politics
- IPM3120 - Race, (Im)mobility, and Incarceration
- IPM6020 - Russia at War since 1812
- IPM8220 - Warfare in the 21st Century
Semester 2
- IPM2300 - Research Paper
- IPM2820 - Order-Making in International Politics
- IPM3020 - Logistics in War
- IPM3720 - Knowledge and Expertise in International Politics
- IPM4920 - Critical Studies in Asia-Pacific Security
- IPM5620 - Refugee Simulation: Knowledge and Application
- IPM8820 - British Counterinsurgency Warfare in the Twentieth Century
Semester 3 (Dissertation)