Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Refugee Simulation: Knowledge and Application
Academic Year
Semester 2

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Briefing Paper  1500 Words  30%
Semester Assessment Final Report  2000 Words  40%
Semester Assessment 1 Hours   Skills in Negotiations  Assessment covers oral contributions AND paperwork during negotiations.  30%
Supplementary Assessment Final Report  2000 Words  40%
Supplementary Assessment Skills in Negotiations  Resit for oral contributions AND paperwork during negotiations. Will be taken by those who miss the in-class negotiation that they are leading. 1500 Words  30%
Supplementary Assessment Briefing Paper  1500 Words  30%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the international refugee regime and ability to understand various concepts and related issues.

Confidently identify, engage and discuss refugee politics, demonstrating grounded empirical knowledge of a range of specific refugee case studies.

Demonstrate an informed understanding of the international refugee regimes selected policy areas.

Demonstrate their acquired negotiating skills and transfer them into different contexts.

Develop robust communication skills through written and oral work.

Brief description

The module aims to provide students with a practical and grounded experience of the politics, decision-making and negotiation within the international refugee regime. Students will be assigned within national, domestic and international institution teams. These teams will then be provided with a supporting briefing material, reading lists and an overall scenario.
Their task will then be, over the course of the module, to act within their roles in simulated international refugee negotiations and decision making in order to try to “resolve” a particular refugee crisis.

Throughout the course of the scenario, the crisis will evolve both as a result of the students own progress in negotiations but also as a result of ‘external’ events inserted by the module convenor. To complete the module, negotiations will aim to conclude with a signing of a final agreement addressing the key issues arising from the overarching scenario.

Before starting the scenario, students will spend the first half of the module learning of the various institutions, legal frameworks and deep-diving into refugee cases, to develop and enhance their understanding of the international refugee regime, before actively applying their knowledge within the simulation.


11 x 2 hour seminars

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Co-ordinating with others Module is built on active student participation of running the simulation- team work and collaboration is the essence of the module
Critical and analytical thinking Students actively responding to a simulation scenario, engaging with diplomacy and negotiation skills, as well as critical understanding of the international refugee regime.
Professional communication Emphasis in simulation is on diplomatic and negotiation skills, being a key component of the assessment.


This module is at CQFW Level 7