Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Collection Management and Development in Heritage Organisations
Academic Year
Semester 1
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Essay (CDP)  2500 Words  50%
Semester Assessment Report - Promotion and evaluation  2500 Words  50%
Supplementary Assessment Essay (CPD)  2500 Words  50%
Supplementary Assessment Report - Promotion and evaluation  2500 Words  50%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Distinguish between the various activities and processes that comprise collection management in its broadest sense;

2. Discuss the nature of the selection and acquisition procedures of a range of resources including e-resources and serials;

3. Discuss the nature, value and administration of a written collection development and have an understanding of its structure and application;

4. Describe the methodologies employed to promote the collections;

5. Explain the contribution of evaluation, review and preservation to collection management and development, and describe the methodologies used in these activities

Brief description

The module explores fundamental areas of collection development, collection review and evaluation. It also covers topics such as the resource discovery, promotion of collection use, preservation, and collection issues related to particular formats. Its overriding concern is the management of collections of resources (whether in one or a number of formats), and organisation of access to virtual collections in effective, efficient and economical ways, in order to meet the needs of user communities. The module considers a range of heritage organisations, but focuses on the library in particular to provide examples of practice.


The module introduces students to the core issues relating to collection management and development including: questions about the nature and scope of collections in practice; collection management of printed and electronic books, including selection, acquisition, resource discovery and access, managing suppliers and publishers, and open access publishing; printed and electronic serials and journal collection management, including licensing, open access journals, consortia and budget management issues; the collection development policy and its critiques; collection evaluation and review, promotion and preservation. The module will be delivered through presentations, and practical workshops. There will be visits and guest speakers will provide perspectives drawn from practice.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number For budget allocations, e.g. subscription and purchasing models for e-resources.
Communication Report and essay writing skills are assessed through the assignments. The module will include workshops and informal presentations which will help to develop oral presentation skills.
Improving own Learning and Performance Reflect on the preparation work done for seminars; reflect on feedback from assignments following completion.
Information Technology Use of web-based catalogues and databases; use of e-book resources in workshop.
Personal Development and Career planning Skills and knowledge developed in and through this module will contribute to professional employability.
Problem solving Through critical interpretation of essay questions and seminar exercises.
Research skills Research skills assessed through the assignments. In addition, several activities involve a researched follow-up to taught examples, e.g. CDPs.
Subject Specific Skills Ability to evaluate print and e-resources; ability to create promotional materials.
Team work Through workshop activities.


This module is at CQFW Level 6