Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Theory in Society and Space
Academic Year
Semester 2
Reading List

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Coursework essay  4000 Words  90%
Semester Assessment Seminar leading  students will work either individually or in groups to lead a seminar. 10 Minutes  10%
Supplementary Assessment Coursework essay  4000 Words  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of key themes and theoretical developments in a specific area of human geography, particularly as they relate to broader ideas in social, cultural and/or political theory.

Discuss, analyse, evaluate and apply key theories in geographical and related literatures.

Articulate and justify an individual critical perspective in relation to debates on key themes and theoretical developments in human geography.

Demonstrate an appreciation of the significance of theoretical and conceptual arguments in relation to research design.

Demonstrate an ability to engage with and analyse abstract theoretical literatures in both verbal and written form

Brief description

The module develops proficiency in the understanding and application of appropriate theories in human geography and cognate disciplines. Theoretical training is delivered through exposure to contemporary debates in the social sciences and aims to develop students’ understandings of the distinctive contribution of geographical knowledges to these debates. The training provides students with the means to critically evaluate different conceptual approaches, to select theoretically informed perspectives for their research, and to position their work within broader debates.


The module aims to develop advanced competencies in reading, understanding, analysing and applying complex theoretical arguments and frameworks in human geogaphy and cognate social sciences.


This module is delivered via seminars, with the expectation that students will have prepared for each meeting by thoroughly reading the assigned materials. There will be 16 hours of timetabled seminar time. The contact time for this module reflects the high input of reading time expected in preparation for each meeting. Seminars will involve participation in discussion, analysis and evaluation of the reading material. The theoretical focus of the readings will vary from year to year. Previous topics include, indigenous ontologies, feminist geopolitics, fragments and assemblage theory and psychoanalysis, affect and emotion. Students have the option of attending a residential Theory School at Gregynog along with other PGT and PGR students from Aberystwth, Cardiff and Swansea Universities.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Adaptability and resilience Students will develop critical reading skills which will be challenging and require tenacity and sustained engagement.
Co-ordinating with others Preparing to lead seminar with other students will require co-ordination and planning.
Critical and analytical thinking Critical engagement with reading materials.
Reflection Reflecting on arguments anddebates in the reading materials and seminar disucssion and translating into written work.


This module is at CQFW Level 7