Module Information
Undergraduate Modules - Computer Science (2025/2026)
Part 1 Distance Learning
- CX12010 - Microcredentials: Introduction to Programming
- CX12110 - Micro Credentials: Programming with Microcontrollers
Part 1 Semester 1
- CC12020 - Cyflwyniad i Raglennu
- CC18120 - Sgiliau Astudio ar gyfer Cyfrifiadureg
- CS00710 - License to Use Mathematics
- CS01010 - Spreadsheets for University Students
- CS01120 - Information Technology for University Students
- CS10220 - Introduction to Computer Infrastructure
- CS12020 - Introduction to Programming
- CS18120 - Study Skills for Computer Science
Part 1 Semester 2
- CC10120 - Datblygu i'r We a Diogelwch Gwybodaeth
- CC11010 - Hanfodion Datblygu'r We
- CC11110 - Diogelwch Gwybodaeth
- CC12320 - Rhaglennu gan ddefnyddio Iaith Gwrthrych-Gyfeiriadol
- CS02320 - Foundation Programming
- CS02420 - Foundation Mini Projects
- CS10120 - Web Development and Information Security
- CS10720 - Problems and Solutions
- CS11010 - Fundamentals of Web Development
- CS11110 - Information security
- CS12320 - Programming Using an Object-Oriented Language
Part 2 Distance Learning
- CX24010 - Applied 2D Graphics
- CX24110 - Applied 3D Graphics
- CX24210 - Theory of Extended Reality Technology
- CX24310 - Applied Extended Reality Technology
Part 2 Semester 1
- CC21120 - Dylunio Algorithmau a Strwythurau Data
- CC27020 - Modelu Data Parhaus
- CHM5720 - Internet Technologies
- CS21120 - Algorithm Design and Data Structures
- CS23820 - C and C++
- CS25320 - Programming for the Web
- CS25820 - System and Network Services Administration
- CS27020 - Modelling Persistent Data
- CS31420 - Computational Bioinformatics
- CS31620 - Mobile Development with Android
- CS31920 - Advanced Algorithms
- CS32420 - Computer Graphics and Games
- CS33020 - Systems Engineering
- CS34020 - Computer Vision
- CS34110 - Computer Vision
- CS35320 - System and Network Services Administration
- CS36010 - Robotic Applications
- CS36110 - Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- CS36220 - Machine Learning
- CS36510 - Space Robotics
- CS36620 - Robotic Applications
- CS37420 - E-Commerce: Implementation, Management and Security
- CSM3120 - Modelling, Managing and Securing Data
- CSM3620 - Robotic Applications
- CSM6120 - Fundamentals of Intelligent Systems
- CSS0100 - Sandwich Year
- CSS0500 - Integrated year studying abroad
- CSS0600 - Integrated year studying abroad
- CSS0700 - Sandwich Year
- SEM5640 - Developing Advanced Internet-based Applications
Part 2 Semester 2
- CC22120 - Peirianneg Meddalwedd
- CC24520 - Python Gwyddonol
- CC38220 - Materion Proffesiynol yn y Diwydiant Cyfrifiadura
- CC39440 - Prosiect Hir
- CC39620 - Prosiect Byr
- CS22120 - Software Engineering
- CS22220 - Software Engineering for the Web
- CS22620 - Web Design and the User Experience
- CS24320 - Applied Graphics
- CS24520 - Scientific Python
- CS26020 - Robotics and Embedded Systems
- CS26520 - Artificial Intelligence
- CS35510 - Applied Web Development
- CS38220 - Professional Issues in the Computing Industry
- CS39360 - Single Semester Major Project for 3.5+1.5 Scheme Only
- CS39440 - Major Project
- CS39620 - Minor Project
- CS39930 - Web-Based Major Project
- CSM6420 - Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems
- CSM6520 - Computational Intelligence
- CSM6720 - Advanced Data Analytics
- CSS0060 - Sandwich Year
- CSS0160 - Sandwich Year
- CSS0560 - Integrated year studying abroad
- CSS0660 - Integrated year studying abroad
- CSS0760 - Sandwich Year
- SEM1020 - Research Topics in Computing
Postgraduate Modules - Computer Science (2025/2026)
Distance Learning
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3 (Dissertation)