Module Information
Undergraduate Modules - Aberystwyth Business School (2025/2026)
Part 1 Summer
- BM10105 - Fundamentals of Project Management
Part 1 Semester 1
- AB05120 - Foundations of Management and Marketing
- AB11120 - Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
- AB13120 - Understanding the Economy
- AB15120 - Fundamentals of Management and Business
- BM10105 - Fundamentals of Project Management
- CB11120 - Hanfodion Cyfrifeg a Chyllid
- CB15120 - Hanfodion Rheolaeth a Busnes
Part 1 Semester 2
- AB00120 - Decision Making in Tourism
- AB01320 - Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business
- AB11220 - Accounting and Finance for Specialists
- AB13220 - Economic Theory and Policy
- AB15220 - Data Analytics
- AB17120 - Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
- AB19120 - Principles of Tourism Management
- BM10105 - Fundamentals of Project Management
- CB17120 - Egwyddorion Marchnata ac Ymarfer Cyfoes
Part 2 Summer
Part 2 Semester 1
- AB21100 - Intermediate Financial Accounting
- AB21200 - Intermediate Management Accounting
- AB21300 - Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
- AB21400 - Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
- AB21500 - Taxation
- AB21600 - The Role and Practice of Auditing
- AB21720 - Financial Technology and Business Success
- AB23120 - Microeconomics Theory and Policy Applications
- AB23320 - Managerial Economics
- AB23520 - Health Economics
- AB25420 - Human Resource Management
- AB25720 - Fundamentals of Management and Business
- AB27120 - Marketing Management
- AB27420 - Applied Brand Management
- AB29120 - Destination and Attraction Management
- AB29220 - Adventure Tourism
- AB29400 - Activity Certification 1
- AB31100 - Advanced Financial Accounting
- AB31200 - Advanced Management Accounting
- AB31300 - Investments and Financial Instruments
- AB31400 - Accounting and Finance: Analysis and Application
- AB31500 - Taxation
- AB31600 - The Role and Practice of Auditing
- AB31820 - Financial Technology and Business Success
- AB33120 - Contemporary Issues in Economics and Policy
- AB33220 - Environmental Economics
- AB35120 - Strategic Leadership
- AB35220 - Digital Business: Leadership and Management
- AB35320 - Global Logistics
- AB35500 - Dissertation
- AB37220 - Digital Marketing
- AB38000 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- AB39120 - Sustainable Tourism
- AB39400 - Activity Certification 2
- BM37005 - Business to Business marketing: Improving Business Networks
- BM37105 - Business to Consumer Relationship Development and Customer Experience
- BM37205 - Marketing Management
- BM37305 - Marketing Planning
- CB25420 - Rheolaeth Adnoddau Dynol
- CB25720 - Hanfodion Rheolaeth a Busnes
- CB27120 - Rheolaeth Marchnata
- CB29120 - Rheoli Cyrchfannau ac Atyniadau
- CB35120 - Arweinyddiaeth Strategol
- CB35500 - Traethawd Estynedig
- CB38000 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
- MM30120 - Marketing Management
- MR30720 - Rheolaeth Marchnata
Part 2 Semester 2
- AB21120 - Intermediate Financial Accounting
- AB21220 - Intermediate Management Accounting
- AB21320 - Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
- AB21420 - Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
- AB21520 - Taxation
- AB21620 - The Role and Practice of Auditing
- AB23220 - Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy Applications
- AB23420 - Econometrics
- AB25120 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
- AB25220 - Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
- AB25320 - Research Methods
- AB27220 - Consumer and Buyer Behaviour
- AB27520 - Marketing: Business Relationships and Customer Experience
- AB29320 - International Tourism in Practice
- AB29420 - Activity Certification 1
- AB31120 - Advanced Financial Accounting
- AB31220 - Advanced Management Accounting
- AB31320 - Investments and Financial Instruments
- AB31420 - Accounting and Finance: Analysis and Application
- AB31520 - Taxation
- AB31620 - The Role and Practice of Auditing
- AB31720 - Financial Strategy
- AB33320 - History of Economic Thought
- AB33420 - Growth, Development and Sustainability
- AB33520 - Trade and International Monetary Systems
- AB33620 - Labour Economics
- AB35420 - Organizational Psychology
- AB35540 - Dissertation
- AB37120 - Marketing and Digital Marketing Communication
- AB37320 - Global Marketing
- AB38020 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- AB39220 - Tourism Marketing
- AB39320 - Tourism Development and Planning
- AB39420 - Activity Certification 2
- BM37005 - Business to Business marketing: Improving Business Networks
- BM37105 - Business to Consumer Relationship Development and Customer Experience
- BM37205 - Marketing Management
- BM37305 - Marketing Planning
- CB25120 - Gweithrediadau a Rheoli'r Gadwyn Cyflenwi
- CB25220 - Entreprenwriaeth a Chreu Menter Newydd
- CB25320 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- CB25540 - Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
- CB27220 - Ymddygiad Defnyddwyr a Phrynwyr
- CB35540 - Traethawd Estynedig
- CB38020 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
Postgraduate Modules - Aberystwyth Business School (2025/2026)
Distance Learning
- BMM0005 - An Introduction to Organisational Psychology
- BMM0005 - An Introduction to Organisational Psychology
- BMM0005 - An Introduction to Organisational Psychology
- BMM3705 - Marketing Planning
- BMM3705 - Marketing Planning
- BMM3705 - Marketing Planning
- DBM2020 - Financial Management and Strategic Decision Making
- DBM2020 - Financial Management and Strategic Decision Making
- DBM2020 - Financial Management and Strategic Decision Making
- DBM2120 - International Business Economics
- DBM2120 - International Business Economics
- DBM2120 - International Business Economics
- DBM2220 - Leading People and Organisations
- DBM2220 - Leading People and Organisations
- DBM2220 - Leading People and Organisations
- DBM2320 - Strategic Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability
- DBM2320 - Strategic Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability
- DBM2320 - Strategic Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability
- DBM2420 - Strategic Marketing Management
- DBM2420 - Strategic Marketing Management
- DBM2420 - Strategic Marketing Management
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- DBM2660 - Executive Management Report (International Finance)
- DBM2760 - Executive Management Report (International Business)
- ABM2220 - Leading People and Organisations
- ABM2320 - Strategic Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability
- ABM2420 - Strategic Marketing Management
- ABM2820 - Quality Engineering and Management
- ABM2920 - Project Management Tools and Techniques
- ABM3020 - Environmental Economics
- ABM3120 - Business Economics
- ABM3520 - Global Supply Chain Management
- ABM5320 - People and Organizations
- BMM5005 - Project Management Techniques
- BMM5105 - Quality and Six Sigma Systems
- BMM5205 - Lean and Industrial Energy Management
- BMM5305 - Supply Chain and Logistics Systems
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
Semester 1
- ABM1220 - International Financial Markets and Investments
- ABM1320 - Advanced Corporate Finance
- ABM1420 - Financial Research Methods
- ABM2120 - International Business Economics
- ABM2220 - Leading People and Organisations
- ABM2420 - Strategic Marketing Management
- ABM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- ABM2820 - Quality Engineering and Management
- ABM2920 - Project Management Tools and Techniques
- ABM3020 - Environmental Economics
- ABM3120 - Business Economics
- ABM3520 - Global Supply Chain Management
- ABM5320 - People and Organizations
- ABM6060 - Strategic Improvement Project 1
- ABM7120 - Marketing Managment Strategy
- BMM0105 - Introduction to Strategic Leadership
- BMM5005 - Project Management Techniques
- BMM5105 - Quality and Six Sigma Systems
- BMM5205 - Lean and Industrial Energy Management
- BMM5305 - Supply Chain and Logistics Systems
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
Semester 2
- ABM1120 - Financial Analysis and Decision Making
- ABM1520 - Banking and Financial Intermediation
- ABM1620 - Portfolio Analysis and Management
- ABM1720 - Financial Econometrics
- ABM1820 - International Finance and Capital Markets
- ABM2020 - Financial Management and Strategic Decision Making
- ABM2220 - Leading People and Organisations
- ABM3220 - International Business Environment
- ABM3320 - Green Logistics and Supply Chains
- ABM3420 - Leading and Managing Project
- ABM5220 - International Strategy and Operations
- ABM5420 - Corporate Governance and Sustainability
- ABM6060 - Strategic Improvement Project 1
- ABM7220 - Global Marketing
- BMM0105 - Introduction to Strategic Leadership
- BMM5005 - Project Management Techniques
- BMM5105 - Quality and Six Sigma Systems
- BMM5205 - Lean and Industrial Energy Management
- BMM5305 - Supply Chain and Logistics Systems
- MMM1120 - Ethics, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility in Organisations
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership