Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Information in a Changing World
Academic Year
Semester 1
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Essay  (2500 words)  50%
Semester Exam 1.5 Hours   50%
Supplementary Assessment Essay  (2500 words)  50%
Supplementary Exam 1.5 Hours   50%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Describe and discuss the types of recorded information that are currently available.

2. Investigate how different information formats operate.

3. Outline and analyse the role of some of the main producers of information, both online and otherwise.

4. Identify and discuss the social and political context within which information and library services operate, including relevant legislation and professional guidelines.

5. Demonstrate awareness of the range and diversity of information services that exist.

6. Discuss some of the potential issues and challenges around accessing and using information in society currently.

Brief description

This module aims to introduce and investigate the role and impact of libraries and information in society. It takes both a historical and current perspective to consider how the information provision and use has developed, including the rise of the internet and its impact on everyday life. It considers the key providers of information in our society, with a focus on library and information services and the challenges they face in the modern world. Key areas of debate are introduction around access, use and understanding of information in society.


The content includes and introduction to some key areas for the schemes, including the variety of types of information forms and formats, the range of information service providers including libraries in different contexts, and the history and role of libraries in society. Current academic and social debates around the impact of information on society covering topics including the impact of the social media and the online world, social and political challenges to library and information provision, key areas of legislation and professional practice guidelines.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number n/a
Communication Key to seminar work and completion of assignments/exam.
Improving own Learning and Performance Reflective element built into assignments and follow up to assignments.
Information Technology Across module.
Personal Development and Career planning Addressed in elements of module through lectures and research
Problem solving n/a
Research skills Key to seminar work and completion of essay/assignment.
Subject Specific Skills Inherent in module including knowledge of appropriate legislation/professional guidelines.
Team work n/a


This module is at CQFW Level 5