Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Interdisciplinary and decolonial history
Academic Year
Semester 2
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Blog / Wiki  1000 Words  25%
Semester Assessment Project  3000 Words  75%
Supplementary Assessment Blog / Wiki  1000 Words  25%
Supplementary Assessment Resit essay  3000 Words  75%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of new trends in history.

Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of interdisciplinary and its challenges and advantages.

Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges of decolonial history.

Brief description

History is one of the most universal realms of knowledge, being able to feed old and new conversations across many other different disciplines, studies and sciences. Reciprocally, scholars from other backgrounds have increasingly turned to history and the historical methods to find answers to many key questions within their areas of knowledge. This reality has posed new challenges to historians in the midst of a plethora of new concepts, methodologies, practices, perspectives and sources. The emergence of decolonial, antiracist, feminist, queer, indigenous epistemologies have also enriched the field.
This module introduces concepts such as interdisciplinarity, decolonial history, history with gender, racial or generational perspectives, participatory methodologies, living memory in contemporary history, quantitative history, or digital humanities among others. It aims to engage students into experimenting and ‘playing’ with novel and original forms of doing history and with critical ways to approach existing historiography, with confidence.


This module aims to make students more aware of new trends in history which had led the discipline to break boundaries between diverse areas of knowledge and absorb new theories and ideas for the analysis of the past. It will also promote creativity and critical thinking in the study of history.


Weekly 2-hour seminars:

1. Interdisciplinarity in/of history
2. ‘New’ historical subjects and sources (e.g. Climate, Silence as a source, twitter)
3. Quantitative methods for history
4. Digital humanities for historians
5. Histories from below and the critique to positivism
6. Memory and conflict studies
7. From decolonising history to a decolonial history
8. Antiracist and anticolonial historians
9. Herstories and queerstories: gender and genderational analysis
10. Non-linear histories: Participatory methodologies

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Communication Oral and written communication skills will be developed through seminars and feedback on written work. These skills will be assessed through assignments.
Improving own Learning and Performance Written work will be returned in tutorials where advice will be given regarding the improvement of research and techniques and essay writing skills
Information Technology This module aims to develop digital skills to work with methodologies of digital humanities for historians and principles of Big Data for historians.
Personal Development and Career planning This module will develop oral and written skills. It will also prepare students for careers which involve the research, critical analysis and presentation of material relevant to a particular problem or set of problems
Problem solving Students are expected to note and respond to historical problems which arise as part of the study of this subject area, and to undertake suitable research for seminars and essays.
Research skills Students will be required to carry out research for seminars and written work.
Subject Specific Skills This module is designed to introduce new trends in history that range from decolonisation to digital tools, providing a base of knowledge and understanding that will support future innovative research.
Team work Through module activities, including small group deliveries as part of the seminars.


This module is at CQFW Level 5