Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Learning Numeracy
Academic Year
Semester 1
Also available in
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Assignment - Portfolio  5000 words - The portfolio will contain three sections: i) Analysis and reflection on policy context, exam requirements and relevant research of numeracy related to their subject area / field; (2000 words) ii) analysis of an example of own students’ work for development and employability purposes; (1250 words) iii) reflection on and identification of own development needs. (1750 words)   100%
Supplementary Assessment Assignment - Portfolio  All failed elements of the assessment must be re-taken if the student’s average mark falls below the required pass mark of 40%. This will require the re-submission of selected sections of the portfolio, having addressed issues raised in the feedback process.  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Examine and critically analyse the policy and strategy requirements for the application of numeracy within their context.

Critically analyse and develop suitable methods and strategies to teach and support the development of numeracy within their own contexts.

Apply knowledge of the development of numeracy to the support and enhancement of student achievement and employability.

Brief description

This module will begin by giving you an overview of the policy and strategy guidance relating to numeracy development, providing you with the essential statutory and strategic backdrop to teaching this skill within the learning environment. Specific areas of learning will then be considered to ensure that you have a firm understanding of the requirements as well as being able to carefully analyse your learners’ needs in this area. Teaching strategies and methods will be considered as well as the latest developments in research informed practice. The needs and reasons for difficulties in numeracy will also be considered.


Each unit will comprise of two hours combination of lectures and seminars.
Unit I – Numeracy policy, strategy and curricular requirements and guidance
Unit 2 - Numerical reasoning – for learning and for employment.
Unit 3 - Number skills – for learning and for employment.
Unit 4 – Measuring and data skills– for learning and for employment.
Unit 5 - Planning and integrating numeracy cross-curricularly
Unit 6 - Teaching strategies to develop numeracy
Unit 7 – Analysing student needs and developing actions.
Unit 8 - Learning difficulties in mathematics
Unit 9 – Responding to mathematical anxiety
Unit 10 - Research led practice and best practice

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number The reflection on and identification of own development needs will be assessed.
Communication This will be developed both in seminar discussions and in preparation for the assessments.
Improving own Learning and Performance This will be a core skill developed within the module, with a clear emphasis on self-evaluation, where the students will be expected to consider impact on their own practice.
Information Technology All assignments will be word processes and students will be required to utilize IT resources in the research of their assignments.
Personal Development and Career planning Reflection activities during seminars will be used to encourage personal development. The reflection on and identification of own development needs will be assessed.
Problem solving Students will consider how to address specific issues within their own contexts and practice, and develop the skills to address this in the future.
Research skills This will be developed throughout the module but particularly in regards to the research necessary in the assessments.
Subject Specific Skills Students will develop skills in regards to teaching, planning, assessing and professional practice.
Team work Seminar activities will involve group work.


This module is at CQFW Level 6