Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Equine Nutrition and Pasture Management
Academic Year
Semester 1
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Laboratory Report Feed Evaluation  2000 Words  40%
Semester Exam 2 Hours   Exam  60%
Supplementary Assessment Supplementary Laboratory Report Feed Evaluation  2000 Words  40%
Supplementary Exam 2 Hours   Supplementary Exam  60%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Describe the morphology, growth and development of pasture species.

Describe and evaluate factors influencing pasture growth.

Evaluate principles and systems of grazing and forage conservation.

Describe the structure and function of the equine gut and the factors affect diet degradation and digestion in the gut.

Discuss the importance of microbes in equine nutrition and their role in disease states.

Discuss the role of dietary supplements in equine nutrition.

Brief description

Horses are prone to wide range of digestive disorders, a full and detailed understanding of the function and regulation of digestion in the horse is pivotal to a full understanding of equine nutrition. In this module, we will discuss equine digestive anatomy and the role of microbial populations alongside grassland management. Practical work will include feed evaluations, combined with lectures on rationing in light of managing the equine gut ecosystems and preventing associated digestive upsets. Given the importance of pasture in the diet of the horse, the module will cover an understanding of the principles and practice of equine grassland management and forage conservation, with particular reference to UK conditions.


Through a series of integrated lectures, practicals and field visits, students will be introduced to advanced equine nutrition through an understanding of how nutrition underpins positive health in the horse and will cover key concepts of grassland management and principles and examples of best practice. In practicals, students will understand how to identify and evaluate a range of pastures, soils and equine feeds in a laboratory environment including understanding conserved forages and concentrate feeds. A simulation of the foregut and hindgut will be undertaken to understand the nutritional value of different feeds and students will use the information to consider the suitability of different feeds for horse susceptible to digestive disorders.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number The assignments will require some manipulation of numbers, and this will be assessed in the assignment. Feedback on this will be given in the assignment.
Communication Students will be expected to be able to express themselves appropriately in all assessments. Feedback will be given in the assignments..
Improving own Learning and Performance Outside the formal contact hours, students will be expected to research materials, manage time and meet deadlines for the assignment and exam.
Information Technology Students will be required to source information from a variety of scientific publication databases. The use of various software packages will be required for the correct presentation of the assignments.
Personal Development and Career planning Students will gain confidence in their ability to evaluate feeds, rations and grassland management though the module. The structure of the associated industries and its supporting research infrastructure will be implicit in the module, revealing some potential career destinations to students.
Problem solving For the laboratory report assignment, students will also be required to evaluate dietary ingredients based on laboratory analysis and use this information to consider the suitability of different feeds for horses with health issues. Feedback will be given in the assignment.
Research skills Students will be required to source and summarize a substantial amount of information without staff direction in order to complete the assessments. Feedback will be given in the assignments.
Subject Specific Skills The underlying principles of grassland management, rationing and avoiding digestive problems in horses will be central to the module.
Team work Students will work in teams in the laboratory.


This module is at CQFW Level 6