Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Sports Injury
Academic Year
Semester 2
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Coursework 2  Literature review (1500 words)  50%
Semester Assessment Coursework 1  Case study lab summaries with an evidenced based rational for client recommendations (1500 words)  50%
Supplementary Assessment Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the module.  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Identity and evaluate the main injury prevention and exercise recovery techniques used in various sport contexts, applying your knowledge of physiology, psychology and biomechanics.

2. Understand and evaluate the practical skills needed to conduct and assess injury prevention and exercise recovery techniques and be able to relate them to appropriate sport settings.

3. Describe the key theories and principles that explain human injury and recovery from exercise.

4. Gather and use information from a range of sources.

Brief description

This module is concerned with an overview of injury and medicine in the context of sports performance. The module begins by developing an understanding of the role of the sport scientist in a clinical setting, drawing out both professional limits and the opportunities for preventative and rehabilitative work. Next, competitive sports will be studied with consideration of the aetiology and incidence of acute and chronic injuries and their rehabilitation. Finally, the module will address some of the key medical issues in sports performance and participation, including immune function, exposure to extreme environments, and overtraining. A multi-disciplinary approach will be taken drawing upon biomechanical, physiological, and psychological knowledge to explore the mechanisms at work in these medical issues.


Please give an outline of content, week by week, indicating lectures, seminars and/or other forms of delivery

1. Aetiology and mechanisms of injury
2. Rehabilitation
3. Spinal cord injury
4. Knee
5. Shoulder
6. Prevention techniques e.g. taping, warm up etc
7. Recovery techniques e.g. Ice, diet, etc
8. Immune response to exercise
9. Psychological intervention
10. Drug and ethics in sports medicine
11. Review and exam prep

1: rehab progression
2: therabands and foam rollers
3: exercise adaptation or wheel chair sport
4: pool based rehab
5 and 6: taping isokinetic dynameters
7 and 8: ice and contrast bath
9 and 10: passive v active warm up

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number None
Communication In conducting lab procedures and report writing.
Improving own Learning and Performance Through independent study, and lab practical’s.
Information Technology Use of word processing and computer-based systems to collect lab data.
Personal Development and Career planning None
Problem solving In lab based client scenario’s.
Research skills In critical evidence-based client recommendations.
Subject Specific Skills Learning how to implement recovery techniques. Evidence gathering for applied work.
Team work Through laboratory work.


This module is at CQFW Level 5