Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Conservation
Academic Year
Semester 1

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Conservation Report  Tropical Conservation Report 2000 Words  40%
Semester Assessment Scientific Report  Bioinventory assessment and report 1500 Words  60%
Supplementary Assessment Supplementary Conservation Report  Tropical Conservation Report 2000 Words  40%
Supplementary Assessment Supplementary Scientific Report  Bioinventory assessment and report 1500 Words  60%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the natural history of tropical regions from a biogeographical, evolutionary, and ecological perspective.

Critically evaluate the threats facing tropical environments

Demonstrate an understanding of the application of taxonomy and bioinventory as part of ecological research to support conservation management of habitats.

Brief description

Tropical regions, and particularly their rainforests, are known to represent some of the world’s key biodiversity hotspots. The TREC module aims to explore the natural history of these tropical regions, from the origins of ancient forests to how biogeographical, evolutionary, and ecological processes have shaped them. We will look at the array of biodiversity found within tropical regions and review the range of techniques, from traditional to more modern molecular methods, that can be used to help with species identification and the development of bioinventories. With tropical regions increasingly coming under threat from deforestation and land-use change, the module also aims to build an appreciation of the impacts facing tropical environments and will evaluate a range of on-going conservation projects, from species- based to habitat-based, as well as in-situ and ex-situ efforts. We will also critique various national and international policies aligned with tropical conservation efforts.


1. Demonstrate an understanding of tropical environments from a biogeographical, evolutionary and ecological perspective.
2. Gain an understanding of bioinventory and phylogenetics utilising morphological and molecular approaches.
3. Demonstrate the skills required to identify morphologically similar species.
4. Develop an appreciation of tropical forest ecology, the conservation issues surrounding them and the challenges related to conducting research in a tropical environment.


Based at AU

10 lectures (2 hour each)
1 workshop (3hours)
2 computer practical (3 hours each)

Field visits-
2- 1 day field visits

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Critical and analytical thinking Data analysis is a key element of the scientific report.
Digital capability Bioinformatic skills based on bioinventory data
Professional communication Written communication
Subject Specific Skills Identification skills


This module is at CQFW Level 5