Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Lecture | 10 x 2 Hour Lectures |
Viewing | 10 x 3 Hour Viewings |
Workshop | 5 x 2 Hour Workshops |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Exam | 7 Hours Individual oral presentation plus write-up (10-15 minutes, with accompanying critical reflection of 1000 words) | 40% |
Semester Assessment | Critical Essay on a particular research tradition (3000 words) | 60% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resit of Presentation/Write-Up to a different topic | 40% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resit of Critical Essay to a different topic | 60% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate a clear and advanced understanding of the key film theories that have established Film Studies as an academic discipline, and their capacity to contribute to our knowledge and understanding about different aspects of films and the cinema.
2. Critically evaluate the concepts and approaches at the heart of different film theoretical traditions, in light of their application to films and/or film-related materials
3. Demonstrate comprehensive and systematic understanding of a range of theoretical and conceptual issues that cross and inform different theoretical paradigms within film studies.
This module will give students an essential grounding in a range of theoretical traditions (and their associated concepts, questions and approaches) that have established, shaped and developed film studies as a discipline. Throughout the module, students will encounter important canonical writings and theoretical approaches within film studies, will consider how these theories can be approached and critically evaluated, and how they can be employed to inform the analysis of film texts and other film-related materials and to explore the range of ways in which film can be seen to have aesthetic, ideological, cultural and historical significance.
Brief description
This module will look at the range of ways in which films and the cinema have been studied over time (through a focus on theoretical approaches to essential areas of study within film studies, such as the study of realism, gender and sexuality, film genre, authorship and stardom, narrative, and spectator engagement and reception). It will thus stress particular traditions within film studies, focusing on the critical analysis of different approaches that have proven influential within historical moments and their relation to wider theoretical paradigms that have informed and influenced the study of film (from psychoanalysis and cognitive psychology, to structuralism and philosophy, to cultural and historical reception studies) and the dialogue and debate that has occurred between these traditions and paradigms. It will encourage students to critically reflect on these ways of approaching films and the cinema. In particular, the module will encourage students to consider how these theoretical traditions (and their associated principles and concepts) might inform types and forms of analysis and interpretation within film studies (through the questions that particular theorists ask about films and the cinema, and the elements of films and the cinema that their theories focus upon).
10 x 3 hour screening
10 x 3 hour seminar
Week 1: Identifying and Exploring the Purposes and Agendas of Film Theory (with screening)
Week 2: Classical Film Theory: Case Study: Realism (with screening)
Week 3: Screen Theory and Psychoanalysis: Case Study: Gender and Representation (with screening)
Week 4: Structuralist Film Theory: Case Study: Genre (with screening)
Week 5: Cognitive Film Theory: Case Study: Narrative (with screening)
Week 6: Film Adaptation Theory (with screening)
Week 7: Theories of Sensation and Embodied Viewing (with screening)
Week 8: Film Studies and Cultural Studies: Case Study: Stars and Stardom (with screening)
Week 9: Historical Reception Studies (with screening)
Week 10: Revisiting Traditions and Theories
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | N/A |
Communication | Students will be expected to contribute to in-class group discussions on the questions and concepts that inform different theories and traditions, and to present an assessed presentation on one of the module’s topics (at the beginning of the relevant seminar session). |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Throughout the module, students will be asked to critically reflect on their understanding of key theories and associated critical readings, as well as how their own research for their critical essay is progressing. |
Information Technology | Students will be encouraged to use the vast information resources within the library (such as e-journals and LexisNexis) within their preparatory work for sessions on the module. |
Personal Development and Career planning | Students will be encouraged to develop critical evaluative skills, presentation skills, engage in group work, develop their writing skills and reflect on the development of their learning throughout the module. These attributes will feed into their development as effective academic writers and researchers, which will be particularly suited for an academic career or a career within the field of media arts. |
Problem solving | Students will need to think about the ways in which film has been, and continues to be, theorized and conceptualized within a range of different theoretical traditions, and to compare and to critically evaluate such approaches (through application to film texts and other related materials). |
Research skills | This element is developed through students' own critical investigations into written and audiovisual material that they can bring to bear upon the module and their assignments. |
Subject Specific Skills | |
Team work | The module teaching sessions will encourage students to work together as a group, in order to share and negotiate ideas and opinions on relevant readings and their potential application to film texts and other relevant materials. |
This module is at CQFW Level 7