Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Practical | 1 x 2 Hour Practical |
Workshop | 5 x 2 Hour Workshops |
Workshop | 5 x 4 Hour Workshops |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | REPORT 1 - 2500 words 1,800 word report detailing work undertaken in Wales | 40% |
Semester Assessment | REPORT 2- 2500 words 1,800 word report detailing work undertaken in Wales | 40% |
Semester Assessment | Oral Group Presentation based on field project Oral group presentation based on field project in Spain, supported by submission of individual abstracts. | 20% |
Supplementary Assessment | Supplementary Report 1 - 2500 words Students who fail to attend the field course without good reason will not be permitted a resit. Students who attend the field course but fail the assessment will be given the opportunity to resubmit assessments for a maximum mark of 40%. Students whose reasons for failing to attend any component of the fieldwork are condoned will be permitted to submit an alternative form of assessment in place of the fieldwork. Resubmission of any failed components. Marks for passed components will be carried forward in the recalculation of the re-sat module mark. | 40% |
Supplementary Assessment | Supplementary Report 2 - 2500 words Resubmission of any failed components. Marks for passed components will be carried forward in the recalculation of the re-sat module mark. | 40% |
Supplementary Assessment | Supplementary Oral Presentation based on Field Project Resubmission of any failed components. Marks for passed components will be carried forward in the recalculation of the re-sat module mark. Note oral presentation may be based on field data provided. | 20% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
Apply a range of field techniques to investigate environmental issues.
Undertake a basic environmental field survey and apply appropriate sampling strategies.
Identify the safety and logistical aspects of different types of fieldwork operations in environmental science.
Analyze data and present results of original field measurements in written reports and oral presentations.
Brief description
This is a module involving 7-10 days fieldwork that will provide the framework for gaining practical experience in Environmental Science. The module will focus on developing expertise in specific field techniques, including sample design, data collection and data analysis.
To develop field skills in Environmental Science, specifically sample design, data collection, and data analysis. Consideration will also be given to data recording and communication, including development of notebook skills and report writing.
• treatment of contaminated water
• heavy metal pollution from mining
• nature reserve management
• palaeoecological records of environmental change
• water resource management
• geochemical analysis of soils
• topographic and ecological surveying
• alternative energy sources
Additional support for field activities may include follow-up laboratory work on samples collected in the field, and sessions on preparation and writing of field reports.
Brochure Text
Environmental science students require opportunities to identify and apply key field research skills. This module will introduce these skills, with particular opportunity to apply skills of sample design, data collection and analysis.
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | Field data collection involves a range of numerical skills (e.g. measurements). Statistical techniques may be used to analyse field data. |
Communication | Both written and oral communication of field information and interpretations will be developed via reports and presentations. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Students will be responsible for their own taking of field notes, ubmit their individual field reports and acting on feedback provided. |
Information Technology | Written reports and information searches to will involve the application of information technology. Oral presentations will be given using PowerPoint. |
Personal Development and Career planning | Practical applications of skills in Environmental Science and industry will be discussed during field days. |
Problem solving | Design of field sampling strategies, evaluation of environmental data. |
Research skills | Field and practical surveying, observation, classification, measurement and dissemination of findings all involve research and synthesis of information. |
Subject Specific Skills | Surveying in environmental science, and observation, measurement and recording of environmental variables. |
Team work | Field data collection and interpretation will be undertaken in teams. A group oral presentation will be assessed. |
This module is at CQFW Level 5