Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Practical | 11 x 2 Hour Practicals |
Lecture | 11 x 2 Hour Lectures |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Learning Outcomes
The module is an advanced level study of econometrics. On completion of this module students should be able to: Critically evaluate
(1) The use of classical linear regression in estimation and inference,
(2) The consequences of the failure of the classical regression assumptions, their diagnosis, consequences and solutions,
(3) The specification, estimation and properties of dynamic time series models, including those with dynamic error structures,
(4) The specification, estimation and properties of simultaneous equation regression models,
(5) The implications of unit roots in time series and the importance of cointegration, (6) the use of single and multiple equation estimation techniques and
(7) The advantages and shortcomings of panel data and the techniques for estimation of panel data models and their application.
The module is an advanced level study of econometrics. We will examine the uses of econometrics in the study of financial institutions and markets. Building from basic principles in finance and statistics we will discuss the practical application, both in the interpretation of empirical results in finance and the use of computers to estimate original models.
This module is at CQFW Level 7