Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Lecture | 11 x 3 Hour Lectures |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | ORAL PRESENTATION | 20% |
Semester Assessment | REPORT 4000 word technical report | 80% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmission of failed elements of coursework. Presentation marks are carried forward. Presentation marks to be carried forward. Resubmit elements of coursework. | 100% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
Describe and evaluate the management actions required to achieve the principles of drainage-basin scale water management as outlined in the Water Framework Directive (2000).
Critically evaluate the place of daughter Directives in establishing numerical standards for 'protected area' as illustrated using the Bathing Water Directive (2006) and the implications for: (i) catchment microbial dynamics; (ii) legal compliance at WFD Annex 4 'protected areas'; and (iii) public health.
Critically evaluate the concept of 'good ecological' status for EU waters and be able to apply environmental data within an appropriate operationally derived modelling framework to determine the ecological status of coastal waters using a data set and case study based on the Island of Jersey and its near-shore waters.
Present succinct and well focused science information and conclusions
Brief description
The second topic explains and explores the concept of `Good Ecological? status (or condition) which is a central aim of the WFD. Here, interaction between land-based nutrient flux and coastal eutrophication is illustrated using a case study centred on the Island of Jersey. The Comprehensive Studies Task Team (1994, and 1997) reports are used to illustrate the UK/EU approach to eutrophication risk assessment and an empirical data base, describing nutrient flux, near-shore water quality and key driving variables is made available to the class together with a simple numerical model which can be used for scenario testing. This case study forms the core of the student coursework assessment.
2. Catchment microbial dynamics.
3. Public health and epidemiology ? derivation of health-based microbial standards.
4. Real-time regulation the WHO `predict and protect? philosophy.
5. Modelling microbial flux and concentrations challenges in terrestrial and near-shore systems.
6. Good ecological condition: nutrient drivers; eutrophication processes effects and impacts.
7. Measurement approaches; invertebrates; algae; diatoms.
8. The Jersey case study: a history of diffuse nutrient flux and regulatory challenges.
9. The CSTT eutrophication risk model and its application
10. Critical appraisal of the CSTT model and its data requirements and introduction to the coursework unit
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | Numerical analysis is core to the work |
Communication | Principally written communication of research findings with a supplementary scientific presentation |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Individual study and problem solving through the project work |
Information Technology | Central to the project delivery using the Excel model provided as part of the CSTT evaluation |
Personal Development and Career planning | The students undertake a policy-relevant analysis |
Problem solving | The project is developing the use of empirical data to produce a policy relevant evidence base and problem solving ability. |
Research skills | Critical evaluation of field data and analysis of said quantitative data |
Subject Specific Skills | |
Team work |
This module is at CQFW Level 7