Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Lecture | 30 x 1 Hour Lectures |
Practical | 6 x 3 Hour Practicals |
Field Trip | 1 x 4 Hour Field Trip |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Assessed workshop practicals. Application of theories (restriction mapping, PCR, bioinformatics). | 40% |
Semester Exam | 3 Hours | 60% |
Supplementary Assessment | Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the module. | 40% |
Supplementary Exam | 3 Hours Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the module. | 60% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1) provide an account of prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene structure and the mechanisms controlling gene expression;
2) explain the various techniques available to study genomes, genes and gene products;
3) give an overview of biotechnology applications utilising genetic manipulation;
4) discuss basic bioinformatics techniques for analysis of DNA sequence data.
Brief description
Molecular Biology is concerned with understanding biological processes at the molecular level. This module develops a better understanding of the many molecular methodologies that are utilized in current research. The module will cover theories of gene structure/gene expression, manipulation of nucleic acids, construction of genetic maps, gene cloning and functional analysis, introductory genomics and genome sequencing, production of transgenic plants and animals, and an introduction to bioinformatics. The module also covers real world application of these areas within a biotechnology framework.
Manipulating DNA: This topic builds upon, and adds to, theoretical and applied techniques including amplification of DNA via polymerase chain reaction, restriction digestion of DNA, enzymatic manipulation of DNA and basic cloning. Students are also taught the use of restriction digests to create simple genetic maps. Application of theory surrounding PCR experimental design and restriction mapping form part of assessed workshop practicals.
Gene Library Construction, Sequencing & Screening: This section covers the construction of cloned DNA libraries in greater depth, as well as strategies for screening libraries for particular DNA fragments. Students are also taught the theories surrounding sequencing of both individual DNA fragments and high-throughput (next-generation) sequencing.
Gene Transfer Technology: Students are taught strategies and theories regarding the construction of transgenic delivery vectors and systems for production of genetically-modified plants or animals, as well as biotechnological applications.
Genomics: This section of the course covers an introduction to the concept of genomes and genomic technologies, including the construction of genomic maps, genome sequencing strategies, use of model genomes (human, mouse, yeast, Arabidopsis) and comparative genomics.
Bioinformatics: This section will teach the students basic bioinformatics skills, enabling them to query databases of genetic information (i.e. GenBank), obtain DNA sequences and perform structural/motif analysis to identify coding regions and calculate transcribed mRNA and translate this into protein sequence. This includes assessed workshop practicals allowing the students to review the theories taught earlier in the course within a bioinformatic context.
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | The bioinformatics workshop will require students to work with likelihood values (for example, BLAST e-values) and understand their significance. |
Communication | Listening skills for the lectures and subsequent discussions. Effective written communication will be developed and assessed in examinations. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Outside the formal contact hours, students will be expected to use research materials, manage time and meet deadlines. The directed study elements will provide opportunity for students to explore their own learning styles and preferences and identify their needs and barriers to learning. Students are given formative feedback on problem-solving exercises within the workshop sessions designed to aid their development and understanding of the material. |
Information Technology | The students will be required to access online databases such as ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Google Scholar to find primary literature. Training in bioinformatics includes use of internet-based DNA sequence databases and online analysis tools. These are basic skills that will be required of most postgraduate careers involving genetic analysis. |
Personal Development and Career planning | This module conveys theoretical and applied skills which are critical for a career in any area of biological science with a basic or fundamental molecular component. |
Problem solving | Assessed workshop exercises in restriction mapping, PCR technique/experimental design and bioinformatics. These are basic skills that will be common to most laboratory-based postgraduate biology careers. |
Research skills | Key research skills are developed by training in the theory and application of molecular biology techniques. Students also receive grounding in obtaining resources for bioinformatic analysis via database query. |
Subject Specific Skills | |
Team work |
This module is at CQFW Level 5