Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Lecture | 22 Hours. |
Seminars / Tutorials | 10 x 1hr workshops |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Exam | 2 Hours written exam | 100% |
Supplementary Exam | 2 Hours written exam | 100% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Explain and draw diagrams to illustrate basic set operations;
2. perform arithmetic in a variety of bases, express approximations to given numbers of significant figures and to given numbers of decimal places;
3. manipulate algebraic formulae and simplify basic algebraic expressions;
4. simplify expressions and manipulate formulae involving logarithms and exponents;
5. graph simple functions;
6. be able to perform simple calculations related to the probabilities of events.
This module aims to provide students with the basic skills needed for successful completion of part 1.
Brief description
This module reviews the basic concepts that are required by all computing students. It is not suitable for people with good GCSE, AS or A level Mathematics.
2. Numbers: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers; arithmetic in different bases; fractions; expressing numbers to a given number of significant figures and to a given number of decimal places.
3. Basic Algebra: simplification of algebraic expressions; factors; arithmetic involving symbolic fractions; formula transposition; linear and quadratic equations.
4. Exponents and Logarithms: simplifying exponential expressions; logarithms to any base; the log and exponential functions; equations involving e and ln.
5. Graph linear functions, polynomials, logarithm and exponential functions.
6. Probability and statistics: simple events and their probabilities.
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | This module includes a substantial element of number and manipulation of numeric formulae. |
Communication | Reasoned argument ensures clarity of communication. Clarity of thought and validity of argument are directly addressed by this module. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Contributes to capacity to comprehend and profit from courses including programming, AI, robotics and telecommunications. |
Problem solving | Logical reasoning is central to all problem solving. Logical reasoning is supported by mathematical reasoning. Both are directly addressed within the context of this module. |
Subject Specific Skills | Reasoning, clarity of expression, and skill with number and formula are developed and assessed. |
Reading List
Recommended TextCroft, A and Davison, R Foundation Maths A Croft and R Davison Foundation Maths Addison-Wesley ISBN 9780131979215;ISBN 0131979213 Addison-Wesley Primo search Supplementary Text
Rosen, K H Discrete Mathematics and its Applications K H Rosen Discrete Mathematics and its Applications McGraw-Hill ISBN 9780071167567;ISBN 0071167560;ISBN 0072899050 McGraw-Hil Primo search
This module is at CQFW Level 4