Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Academic Year
Intended for use in future years
Other Staff

Course Delivery

Delivery Type Delivery length / details
Lecture 1 per week
Seminars / Tutorials 1 per week


Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment 1 X 4,000 WORD ESSAY  100%
Supplementary Assessment ESSAY TO BE RESUBMITTED IF FAILED  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

demonstrate a good, detailed knowledge of the key developments in European culture between 1898 and the present day;

demonstrate analytical skills as readers of key twentieth-century events in European culture;

demonstrate that they have mastered a thorough knowledge of different theoretical approaches to the study of culture

demonstrate that they can relate general theoretical issues to particular case studies in a critical fashion;

demonstrate that they can discuss and evaluate critically teh pros and cons of various approaches and frameworks used in cultural studies and to be able to articulate their own stance on these debates;

express themselves clearly, coherently and in a logical fashion, orally and in writing.

Brief description

This course will examine a range of cultural texts and srtefacts in order to introduce students to the develpoment of European culture and society between 1898 and the present day.

(1 lecture & 1 seminar each - 1 darlith & 1 semiar yr un)

1. What is cultural history? Theoretical perspectives
2. Spanish War of Independence (1808)
3. Disaster of 1898
4. The Spanish Civil War
5. Le Front populaire 1936
6. La Liberation 1944/45: 4th Republic
7. May 1968: 5th Republic
8. The Weimar republic
9. National Socialism
10. Division of Germany 1949

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number
Communication Participating in seminars and writing of essay will require student to express their ideas clearly, cogently and coherently.
Improving own Learning and Performance Inedendent preperation for essays and seminars, independent research for essay and seminars
Information Technology Required to access bibliographical information and to submit word processed essays
Personal Development and Career planning Expected to show an ability to manage their own time effectively and to engage in independent lines of research in preparing their essays.
Problem solving Selection of reading material. answering questions posed by written assessment, seminar work.
Research skills Researching for essays and seminars
Subject Specific Skills Required to read material in German, French or Spanish in order to prepare for seminars and essays .
Team work In seminars


This module is at CQFW Level 7