Dr Delphine Demelas

Dr Delphine Demelas

Post-Doctoral Research Assistant - Anglo-Norman Dictionary

Department of Modern Languages

Contact Details


Delphine Demelas is currently an editor for the Anglo-Norman Dictionary project at Aberystwyth University, a digital resource for studying medieval francophonie and the evolution of English. She actively contributes to the digital transformation of the dictionary, specializing in digital lexicography, XML and TEI encoding, and computational analysis of medieval French texts. Her doctoral research at Aix-Marseille University focused on creating a LaTeX critical edition of the 15th-century french epic La Chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin. She values interdisciplinary collaboration and its significance for the field. Previously, she taught medieval literature and digital humanities internationally, sharing her passion with diverse students. In Paraguay, she led an international project to digitize, preserve and describe the 19th c. manuscript El Libro de Oro, a national treasure. of Paraguay She is a member of the Digital Medievalist Executive Board. Her academic journey reflects a commitment to advancing Medieval French and Francophone Studies, Digital Lexicography, and Digital Humanities through research, teaching, and international engagement.

Additional Information


-La Chanson d'Otinel, edition de la version anglo-normande (manuscrit 168, fondation martin bodmer, cologny, suisse), Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, TVMA, [in press]
-El Libro de Oro y su época- historia, sociedad y patrimonio del Paraguay (1850-1890), Delphine Demelas and Guillaume Candela (eds), Asuncion, Paraguay: Tiempo de historia isbn: 978-99967-981-4-6, aug. 2021. Review : Rene Harder horst; El Libro de Oro y su época: historia, sociedad y patrimonio del paraguay (18501890). Hispanic american historical review 2023; 10589076. Doi: https: //doi. Org/10.1215/00182168-10589076

Articles and book chapters
-Le manuscrit cyclique et sa posterite litteraire : pour une nouvelle definition des textes epiques tardifs (xive-xve siecle), La Fabrique des recits medievaux (xiiie-xvie siecles), Honoré Champion [in press]
-El Libro de oro: descripcion, materialidad e historia de un objeto patrimonial del paraguay (asuncion,1867), El libro de oro y su época- historia, sociedad y patrimonio del paraguay (1850-1890), tiempo de historia, asuncion, paraguay, isbn: 978-99967-981-4-6, pp 39-58 aug. 2021
-Le(s) départ(s) d'Espagne - élans, tensions et impasses de la chanson de geste (xiie-xve siecles)',  A tant men vois . Figures du depart au Moyen Age, dir. By n. Labere and l. Pierdominici, aras edizioni, fano (italy), isbn 9788899913885, pp 243-266, sept. 2020
-Restoring medieval manuscripts during the eighteenth-century: completing or perfecting? ' Perspectives Médiévales [online], n. 41, la vie postmédiévale des artefacts médiévaux, https: //doi. Org/10.4000/peme.21755, feb. 2020
-Con el objeto de adherirse al laudable pensamiento  - el libro de oro y la praxis del obsequio (Paraguay, 1860-1890)', Anuario IEHS, 150 anos de la guerra del Paraguay, dir. Liliana brezzo, issn 2524-9339, jul. 2019
-La poetique de la mort de Bertrand du Guesclin, le héros et la mort dans les traditions épiques, dir. M. Ott and R. Fonkoua, Karthala éditions, paris, isbn: 9782811125509, oct. 2018
-Ll'art de la laisse dans la Chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin de Cuvelier (xive-xve siecle), Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, n. 35, La Chanson de geste au xive siecle, dir. Claude Roussel, isbn: 978-2-406-08321-4, pp 101-128, jul. 2018
- Sur un air epique, sur un air lyrique : celebrer le bon connetable', Perspectives Médiévales [online], n. 39, url : http: //journals. Openedition. Org/peme/14088 ; doi : 10.4000/peme.14088, jul. 2018

Dictionary entries (peer-reviewed)
2020-present: The Anglo-Norman Dictionary, section -s and -t, www.anglo-norman.net

-Anglo-Norman tournaments and the thirteenth century, the anglo-norman dictionary blog, www.anglo-norman.net, october 2022
-Pestilence de genz et morine de bestes: remarks on the anglo-norman vocabulary of plague and epidemics, the anglo-norman dictionary blog, www.anglo-norman.net, march 2021

Book review
(2022) Labere, Nelly, La langue ne rougit pas. Essai, (aras edizioni 2019) in Romanische Forschungen, volume 134/1, March 2022.


Demelas, D, Anglo-Norman Tournaments and the thirteenth century, 2022, Web publication/site, The Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub. <https://anglo-norman.net/anglo-norman-tournaments-and-the-thirteenth-century/>
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