Dr Alex Mangold

M.A. (Augsburg), MSc (Chester), PhD (Wales), FHEA


I work with interdiciplinary approaches in both my research and in my teaching. My work on Creative Modern Languages has recently received funding from the British Academy (Talent Development Award 2021). Our online open hub for creative assessment and research in Modern Languages can be found at www.creativemodernlanguages.uk. I was awarded AberSEED funding for a second phase of the project with a focus on ‘Creative Assessment’ in schools in March and in Sept 24. 

My research on performance philosophy & politics, drama and theatre, and on drama and dialogue translation focuses on performative processes in politics and culture, the New Tragic, and on the translation of postdramatic theatre scripts. Many of my translations of contemporary German and British theatre have been commissioned by agents and theatres in the UK, US, Germany and Austria.  


British Academy Talent Development Award Holder 2021 - Project: 'Artistic Research & Creative Assessment in Modern Languages'

AberSEED recipient for Creative Assessment project in schools from March-June 2024 and from Sept 2024 - July 2025. 

My research generally focuses on three broad areas and themes:

In Theatre & Performance Studies, my main interests are Performance Philosophy & Politics, Lacanian Psychoanalysis & Zizek, Sarah Kane and the New Tragic.

In Translation Studies, I focus on dialogue translation and on cultural translation related to Television, Film and Theatre.

My linguistic research is mostly based on Creative Assessment, German Grammar and translation. My work on German Grammar has resulted in a social media project titled MONKEY RAISINS, MONKEY NUTS. Follow us on Twitter @monkeyraisins.

I welcome applications from graduates for MA, MPhil or PhD research projects in any of these areas.


I am Sustainability & Global Opportunities Lead for the School of Languages & Literature. I also represent ModLangs on AU's Senate. I am Year Abroad Coordinator for German for ModLangs, and I am a member of AU's Sustainability & the Curriculum working group. 

I was Director of International for the Institute of Literature, Languages & Creative Arts (ILLCA) from 2016-2018. I represented FASS at the Collaborative Provision Board (CPB) from 2018-2022.  


Mangold, A 2023, Austerity, Brexit, Covid: Short Circuits and a New Identity for Wales. in NA Barria-Asenjo, B Willems & S Žižek (eds), Global Manifestos for the Twenty-First Century Rethinking Culture, Common Struggles, and Future Change. 1 edn, Taylor & Francis, Oxon, New York.
Amir, I 2022, A Question of Honour. translated by Alex Mangold, Rania Kurdi, Boosey & Hawkes, Hamburg.
Mangold, A 2019, 'Failure, Trauma, and the Theatre of Negativity: The New Tragic in Contemporary Theatre and Performance', New Theatre Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 33-43. 10.1017/S0266464X18000593
Mangold, A 2018, Failure, Trauma and the Theatre of Negativity: Manifestations of the New Tragic in Contemporary Theater and Performance. in E Katsouraki & T Fisher (eds), Beyond Failure: New essays on the cultural history of failure in theatre and performance. Taylor & Francis.
Bean, R 2018, Kiss Me. translated by Alexander Mangold, Boosey & Hawkes, Hamburg.
More publications on the Research Portal