Dr Andrea Hammel

Department of Modern Languages
Contact Details
- Email: anh17@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0002-6764-923X
- Office: D18, Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622563
- Twitter: @DrAndreaHammel
- Research Portal Profile
- Personal Pronouns: she/her
Andrea Hammel is Professor of German in the Modern Languages Department and the Director of the Centre for the Movement of People at Aberystwyth University. She is the author of Finding Refuge: Stories of the men, women and children who fled to Wales to escape the Nazis (Honno, 2022) and The Kindertransport: What really happened (Polity, 2024). Her focus is on research impact and public engagement. She has led a project on Refugees from National Socialism in Wales: Learning from the Past for the Future which is funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund and involves co-curators who are refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Kuwait. One of its outcomes is an exhibition which has been showing at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, the Senedd, the Houses of Parliament and in the Pontio Bangor. She has spoken at the Hay Literary Festival, The National Holoccaust Museum, Jewish Book Week and the Bundestag (the National Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany) about her work.
Module Coordinator
- GE27220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- GE30040 - Dissertation (Single Hons Modern German Studies)
- GE10810 - Exploring German Cultural Identity
- GE37220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- GE31110 - Contemporary German Politics
- GE36120 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
- GE27110 - Short Prose in German
- GE26020 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
- GE27110 - Short Prose in German
- GE10810 - Exploring German Cultural Identity
- GE30040 - Dissertation (Single Hons Modern German Studies)
- GE31110 - Contemporary German Politics
- GE37220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- GE27220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- GE26020 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
- GE36120 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
Andrea Hammel's research interests include:
- the history and culture of refugees from National Socialism
- Autobiographies and memoirs
- The Kindertransport
- Issues of translation
- German-Jewish literature and culture
- Women's writing.
Dr Hammel is Committee Member of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, IGRS, University of London; member of the Editorial Board of the Yearbook of the Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies (Rodopi); series aedito of Exile Studies/Exilstudien (Peter Lang); she has received funding from the British Academy, the National Heritage Lottery Fund, Public Health Wales and the Association of Jewish Refugees and Aberystwyth University.
Professor Hammel is the Director of Research for the School of Languages and Literature.