
Working with other academic departments within the University, the Department of Mathematics offers unique choices for Postgraduate study.
Taught MSc Courses
MSc in Statistics for Computational Biology: The Department of Mathematics at Aberystwyth collaborates with the Department of Computer Science and the Institute of Biological Environmental and Rural Science to offer an MSc in Statistics for Computational Biology. The scheme is designed to introduce key, practice-based skills in statistics and will be of interest to students that are looking for the minimum entry-level qualification for many excellent employment opportunities in pharmaceuticals, advanced agriculture and in public health. More information is available here.
MSc in Data Science: the Department also collaborates with the Department of Computer Science to offer an MSc in Data Science. The scheme introduces the statistical and computational tools required to interrogate and interpret large volumes of data such as consumer's buying patterns. More information is available here.
Research Degrees (PhD, MPhil)
The Department of Mathematics has an established reputation in leading-edge collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Extensive research is carried out in the areas of mathematical modelling of solids and structures, rheology of complex fluids and foams, analysis and measure theory, functional analysis, operator algebras, open quantum systems and statistics. Students can choose to read for PhD and MPhil degrees by research in these topics. We frequently have fully-funded PhD studentships (from EPSRC and the European Union for example) available for students holding a good honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate subject. In addition, there are often bursaries available to non-EU Postgraduates that cover the difference between overseas fees and UK/EU fees. An informal inquiry to the department will determine what is available at any particular time. A list of typical PhD projects is available here.
How to Apply
Prospective postgraduates must submit an application to the Postgraduate Admissions Office. Once this is made, suitable candidates will be invited to visit the department to learn at first hand of the research activities, to meet members of staff and to see the facilities available. Informal inquiries for further information in advance of applying are welcome, please email us at maths@aber.ac.uk, contact the Department's Postgraduate Coordinator, or write to us at our contact address. Information about funding sources, fees, and living costs for UK, EU and non-EU students is also available.