Advance HE Fellowships
Aberystwyth Recognition of Continuing Professional Development in Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (ARCHE)
The next deadline for application:
- 19/3/2025, 14:00
- 13/4/2026, 14:00
To express an interest in applying, please email See the ARCHE Scheme Handbook 2024 EN.
Starting from September 2024, applications will be assessed using PSF 2023 instead of UKPSF 2011.
- 17/2/2025 15:00-16:30 Hugh Owen E3 ARCHE Applicant Training
The ARCHE programme is a means by which Aberystwyth University (AU) staff can apply for Fellowship in Advance HE. University staff may apply through the ARCHE scheme for Associate Fellow, Fellow, or Senior Fellow status. There is no application fee for AU staff who apply through ARCHE. If you wish to apply for Principle Fellow, you must apply directly through Advance HE and pay the requisite fee.
For more information, please email
Several routes to Fellowship are available. All of them are based on the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023) for teaching and supporting learning in higher education. The routes are mapped below:
These three schemes (ARCHE, TPAU, and PGCTHE) together with other activities that are also explicitly aligned to the PSF, such as stand-alone CPD workshops and events, form the overall CPD Framework for Aberystwyth University.
ARCHE experiential application
Advance HE has accredited an experiential application route for Aberystwyth University, called ARCHE. This allows us to issue Associate Fellowship, Fellowship and Senior Fellowship awards (D1-D3) based on the submission of a portfolio of evidence.
Please contact with any questions or to indicate your interest in applying through this route.
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in HE (PGCTHE)
The PGCTHE is a two-year accredited study scheme comprised of two one-year modules. The learning outcomes of the scheme have been designed around the PSF; and the scheme has been accredited by the HEA and Advance HE since 2005. Participants who complete module 1 are awarded D1 Associate Fellow status, while those who complete the full Postgraduate Certificate are awarded D2 Fellow status.
For more information, please see the PGCTHE webpage.
Teaching for Postgraduates at Aberystwyth University (TPAU)
In 2016, Advance HE accredited the TPAU scheme. This one-year programme is designed for postgraduate students who teach, academic staff who currently have a small teaching role, and support staff who directly support student learning. Participants who complete TPAU successfully are awarded D1 Associate Fellow status. Upon attaining Associate Fellow status, participants can apply to join the PGCTHE, moving directly into the second module.
For more information, please see the TPAU webpage.
PSF essential guidance
The items below are provided through Advance HE to help you gain Fellowship status in Advance HE. We urge all applicants to read these carefully before you submit your application.
- Professional Standards Framework PSF 2023 (available in Welsh or English)
- Associate Fellowship (D1) Guide to the PSF 2023 Dimensions (English only)
- Fellowship (D2) Guide to the PSF 2023 Dimensions (English only)
- Senior Fellowship (D3) Guide to the PSF 2023 Dimensions (English only)
Your Fellowship Records
Do you hold any category of Fellowship awarded by Advance HE? This may be Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow. As part of our annual data returns, we need to make sure that we have records of all categories of fellowship holders. You can do this yourself by updating your ABW record. If you gained fellowship in another institution, you should also update your records with Advance HE to reflect your current post at Aberystwyth University.