Mr Ant Corfield MSc Computing Science,BSc (Hons) Applied Biology,PG Diploma Environmental Impact Assessment

Senior Analyst Developer
Contact Details
- Email:
- ORCID: 0000-0003-1349-1876
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628724
- Twitter: antCorfield
- Research Portal Profile
Antony joined the Research Office in September 2011 having worked previously within Information Services on a number of JISC funded repository projects including Welsh Repository Network Enhancement Project, which focussed on the development of institutional repositories in every Higher Education Institution in Wales. Antony joined Aberystwyth University in 2007, previously working at University of Oxford and University of Highlands and Islands as a Software Engineer supporting information services and e-learning. He holds an MSc Computing Science.
Additional Information
- Technical and operational support for Pure Current Research Information System including providing a customer support role.
- Problem solving and streamlining to improve the effectiveness of Research Monitoring to support the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
- Producing related data and reports in regards to University research activity for University management
- Software and database development supporting the ICT activities of the Research Business and Innovation department and wider Institutional innovation.
Lewis, S, Hayes, L, Newton-Wade, V, Corfield, A, Davis, R, Donohue, T & Wilson, S 2009, 'If SWORD is the answer, what is the question? Use of the Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit protocol', Program, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 407-418. 10.1108/00330330910998057
Corfield, A, Payne, H, Isaac-Richards, I & Robson, G 2010, 'Integrating institutional and national repositories: The Welsh e-theses harvesting service', 5th International Conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, Spain, 06 Jul 2010 - 09 Jul 2010.
Bruce, R (ed.), Dovey, MJ, Tatham, C & Corfield, A 2005, 'JAFER Toolkit Project', VINE, vol. 35, no. 1/2, pp. 49-51. 10.1108/03055720510588461
Biggs, J, Corfield, A, Grøn, P, Hansen, HO, Walker, D, Whitfield, M & Williams, P 1998, 'Restoration of the rivers Brede, Cole and Skerne: A joint Danish and British EU-LIFE demonstration project, V - Short-term impacts on the conservation value of aquatic macroinvertebrate and macrophyte assemblages', Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 241-255. 10.1002/(sici)1099-0755(199801/02)8:1<241::aid-aqc269>;2-9
Collinson, NH, Biggs, J, Corfield, A, Hodson, MJ, Walker, D, Whitfield, M & Williams, PJ 1995, 'Temporary and permanent ponds: An assessment of the effects of drying out on the conservation value of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities', Biological Conservation, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 125-133. 10.1016/0006-3207(95)00021-U
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