Computer security
It is essential that you ensure your computer is free from virus attacks, hacking or misuse by a third party.
Computers connected to the University network that are infected with a virus or compromised in any way are automatically disconnected.
You must:
- make sure your PC/laptop or mobile device is running a current operating system, still being supported by the vendor
- install Anti-Virus protection
- install/enable a firewall (Windows / Mac)
- log on to your device with a username/password or PIN, used only by you. (Windows / Mac)
You must not use an account with admin privileges for day to day use. - set your computer to lock when left unattended
- make sure your folders cannot be accessed by others
- comply with the JANET Acceptable use policy
These Regulations are maintained by Information Services, were last reviewed in June 2022 and are due for review in August 2023.