News & Events
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AberSkills is a collection of resources designed to help students and staff develop essential skills for academic success, personal growth, and career readiness.
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The survey will close on 10 March
Sign up for the new weekly AberSkills email
Find out about the latest AberSkills workshops, skills news, tips and helpful resources without leaving your inbox.
What’s involved?
- Get informed: Receive details of workshops scheduled for the week. Workshops cover essential skills such as academic writing, employability, and personal development.
- Find resources to develop your skills: Learn about various skills resources that can help you in your studies, your teaching and your career.
Your weekly dose of skills and success starts here! Simply click to subscribe.
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Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit sessions 04/03/2025 - 19/03/2025
04/03 E-learning Essentials: Introduction to Turnitin (Online)
05/03 ‘The DNA of your Personality’ MBTI Step II (Face-to-face)
10/03 Motivational communication strategies for the classroom, project meetings, and beyond (Face-to-face)
19/03 Personality Type Dynamics - Beyond your 4 Letter Code (Face-to-face)
Issue with accessing Westlaw
The issue with accessing Westlaw is still affecting some users. If you are having problems accessing Westlaw UK, please email with ‘Westlaw’ in the subject line. This information will help Thomson Reuters/Westlaw fix the problem as soon as possible.
New Conde Nast titles in Pressreader
New Conde Nast publications are now available for you to read in Pressreader.
With this, you can read American editions of titles on PressReader. such as Pitchfork for music lovers, Vogue for fashion tips and lifestyle news and The New Yorker for politics and science news alongside cartoons and short stories all filled with humour.
These should be automatically available to you if you are on campus, however if you are off campus a step-by-step guide on how to access these publications can be found at
Questions about referencing?
Referencing can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be a struggle! If you've got any questions, we've got answers.
- Firstly, explore our comprehensive Referencing LibGuide – it's packed with information, examples, and tips to help you master referencing.
- Secondly, contact your subject librarian for help. They offer one-on-one consultations and are experts in the specific referencing styles used in your fields of study.
Get the support you need to succeed from the library today.
Call for Proposals: The 13th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference
Staff, postgraduate teaching assistants, and students are invited to submit proposals for the 13th Annual Aberystwyth University Learning and Teaching Conference held 8-10 July 2025.
Submit and view the call for proposals online.
If you have any queries, please email
Noise in libraries - IS Ideas Workshop feedback
From docking marks, getting banned from using the vending machines to public shaming, Aber students get tough on noise offenders in libraries!
Here's what we learned from our Noise Ideas Workshop last week
Our programme of skills workshops is starting next week. There are sessions on academic writing, searching for information and evaluating information and employability skills running all term. Please see the AberSkills site for more details and to book your place.
Information Services, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ
Tel: 01970 62 2400 Email: