Dr Sarah Watson-Jones

Lifelong Learning Teacher - Sciences
Contact Details
- Email: sjw@aber.ac.uk
- Office: Stapledon Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 823159
- Research Portal Profile
After working for several years in agriculture I returned to education to study Field Biology and Habitat Management before doing a PhD in population/ecological genetics at the University of Birmingham. This research explored the relationship between the genetic diversity and ecogeography of wild Brassicas in the UK and was part of a larger DEFRA-funded project aimed at developing a seed collection model for the ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources. I then worked as Biodiversity Information Officer for Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park prior to establishing a commercial ecological consultancy specialising in habitat survey, management and mitigation advice. Other roles have included coordinator of a Transition Town project 'Transition Llambed', aimed at raising awareness of the issues of climate change and promoting community resilience and I teach a Plant Diversity module for AU's School of Education and Lifelong Learning and a Grass Identification module for the Field Studies Council. I started working at IBERS in 2013 as a research scientist for LCEE Innovation (Low Carbon Energy and Environment network) and took up the post of ATP teaching fellow in January 2015.
Additional Information
I am a teaching fellow for the Advanced Training Partnership (ATP) in Sustainable and Efficient Food Production, based at Aberystwyth University. ATP is a flexible postgraduate programme providing workshops and distance learning modules to people working with and within the UK's beef, sheep and dairy supply chains. The programme, which is a partnership between IBERS, Bangor University and NIAB, develops and delivers training which both meets the needs of industry and incorporates research findings from the partners.
Module Coordinator
- BDM8420 - Plant Breeding
- BDM0320 - Livestock Nutrition
- BDM5620 - Silage Science
- BBM1220 - Rheoli Deunydd Gwastraff
- BBM6420 - Manwl Fagu Da Byw
- BBM8820 - Newid Ymddygiad
- BDM5120 - Grassland Systems
- BDM6920 - Horticultural Science
- BDM6920 - Horticultural Science
- BDM5620 - Silage Science
- BDM0320 - Livestock Nutrition
- BBM1220 - Rheoli Deunydd Gwastraff
- BDM8420 - Plant Breeding
- BBM6420 - Manwl Fagu Da Byw
- BDM5120 - Grassland Systems
- BBM8820 - Newid Ymddygiad
- BDM5120 - Grassland Systems
- BDM5620 - Silage Science
- BDM1220 - Waste Resource Management
- BDM8420 - Plant Breeding
- BBM8820 - Newid Ymddygiad
- BBM6420 - Manwl Fagu Da Byw
- BBM1920 - Nwyddau Cyhoeddus
- BRM5120 - Grassland Science
- BDM1120 - Sustainable Supply Systems
- BDM5820 - Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture
- BDM5620 - Silage Science
- BDM1220 - Waste Resource Management
Sustainable and Efficient Food Production (ATP)