Dr Sarah Watson-Jones


Dr Sarah Watson-Jones



Lifelong Learning Teacher - Sciences

Lifelong Learning

Contact Details


After working for several years in agriculture I returned to education to study Field Biology and Habitat Management before doing a PhD in population/ecological genetics at the University of Birmingham. This research explored the relationship between the genetic diversity and ecogeography of wild Brassicas in the UK and was part of a larger DEFRA-funded project aimed at developing a seed collection model for the ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources. I then worked as Biodiversity Information Officer for Powys and Brecon Beacons National Park prior to establishing a commercial ecological consultancy specialising in habitat survey, management and mitigation advice. Other roles have included coordinator of a Transition Town project 'Transition Llambed', aimed at raising awareness of the issues of climate change and promoting community resilience and I teach a Plant Diversity module for AU's School of Education and Lifelong Learning and a Grass Identification module for the Field Studies Council. I started working at IBERS in 2013 as a research scientist for LCEE Innovation (Low Carbon Energy and Environment network) and took up the post of ATP teaching fellow in January 2015.

Additional Information

I am a teaching fellow for the Advanced Training Partnership (ATP) in Sustainable and Efficient Food Production, based at Aberystwyth University. ATP is a flexible postgraduate programme providing workshops and distance learning modules to people working with and within the UK's beef, sheep and dairy supply chains. The programme, which is a partnership between IBERS, Bangor University and NIAB, develops and delivers training which both meets the needs of industry and incorporates research findings from the partners.


Kipling, RP, Stiles, WAV, de Andrade-Lima, M, MacKintosh, N, Roberts, MW, Williams, CL, Wootton-Beard, PC & Watson-Jones, SJ 2023, 'Interaction in online postgraduate learning: What makes a good forum?', Distance Education, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 162-189. 10.1080/01587919.2022.2150391
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