Mr Huw Powell

Mr Huw Powell

Knowledge Transfer Officer


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Crotty, F, McCalman, H, Powell, H, Buckingham, S & Marley, C 2019, 'Should farmers apply fertilizer according to when their daffodils are in flower? Utilizing a “farmer-science” approach to understanding the impact of soil temperature on spring N fertilizer application in Wales', Soil Use and Management, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 169-176. 10.1111/sum.12503
Powell, H, Fychan, A, Marley, C, McCalman, H & Humphreys, M 2018, Research and farming working together to develop grassland varieties resilient to extreme weather events to mitigate climate change. in B Horan, D Hennessey, M O'Donovan, E Kennedy, B McCarthy, JA Finn & B O'Brien (eds), Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands: 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation. Grassland Science in Europe, vol. 23, Teagasc, pp. 1013-1015, 27th EGF General Meeting, Cork, Ireland, 17 Jun 2018.
Marley, C, Powell, H, Theobald, V, Davies, J, Scollan, N, Sanderson, R & Fychan, A 2016, Effects of feeding red clover compared to ryegrass silage to growing cattle out-wintered on kale. in Proceedings of the 26th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation.. Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, pp. 406, 26th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation. Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Trondheim, Norway, 4-8 September. , Trondheim, , Norway, 04 Sept 2016.
MacKintosh, S, Draper, J, Scott, A, Leemans, D, Morgan, S, Powell, H, Richardson, RI & Scollan, N 2016, 'Variation in the M. longissumus texture and cooking loss from cattle within a commercial supply chain.', 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 29 Aug 2016 - 01 Sept 2016 pp. 138.
McCalman, H, Powell, H & Buckingham, S 2015, Working with farmers to make the most of soil nutrients for eco efficiency - the PROSOIL PROJECT. in HFM Aarts, A de Vliegher, D Reheul, JA Reijneveld, J Verloop, A Hopkins & A van den Pol-van Dasselaar (eds), Grassland and forages in high output dairy farming systems: Proceedings of the 18th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. pp. 455-456, Proceedings of the 18th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Wageningen, Netherlands, 15 Jun 2015.
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