Dr Gordon Allison BSc Biochemistry Honours (Dundee University), PhD Microbiology (University of Wales, Swansea)

Contact Details
- Email: goa@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0002-9575-8839
- Office: WD 034, IBERS Gogerddan
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 823205
- Personal Website: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/ibers/staff-profiles/listing/profile/goa
- Research Portal Profile
I work across disciplines and departments, underpinning chemical and data analysis. My recent research has focused on plant cell wall biochemistry in energy grasses, and its influence on thermochemical processes and fermentation. Increasingly, I am applying my skills to more environmental/ ecological issues including land reclamation and composting. My areas of expertise include chromatographic/ mass spectrometry, vibrational spectroscopy and imaging, thermochemical analysis, and statistical and chemometric data mining/ modelling. In the Department of Life Sciences, I coordinate the MSc in Biotechnology and I am Director of Taught Post-Graduate Studies. I teach at undergraduate and post graduate levels in biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, and commercialisation.
Module Coordinator
- BRM2860 - MBiol Research Project
- BR36120 - Molecular Pharmacology
- BRM4820 - Field and Laboratory Techniques
- BRM4820 - Field and Laboratory Techniques
- BR36120 - Molecular Pharmacology
- BRM2860 - MBiol Research Project
- BRM3560 - Dissertation
- BR26620 - Proteins and Enzymes
- BRM2860 - MBiol Research Project
- BR28520 - Research Methods
- BR27520 - Research Methods
Module coordinator for:
Molecular Pharmacology (BR36120)
Field and Laboratory Techniques (BRM4820)
Current Topics in Biotechnology (BRM0720)
Biotechnology for Business (BRM0520)
Director of Taught Post-Graduate Studies
Scheme coordinator of the MSc in Biotechnology
Member of the Recruitment Action Group- specifically PG marketing
Chair for Student Disciplinary panel
First Aider at Work