The Spanish Connection

IBERS and IGES staff and students at the Pyrenean Herbarium.
06 December 2012
Environmental Science students led by Dr Stephen Tooth of IGES and of IBERS, recently embarked on a field course to the mid-Pyrenees region of Spain.
They met with Dr Luis Villar Perez and Professor Pedro Montserrat during a visit to the famous Pyrenean Herbarium at the Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología in Jaca which carries environmental samples dating back to middle of the 10th Century.
In the 1950’s Professor Montserrat worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Welsh Plant Breeding Station which is now part of IBERS. During his time here he collaborated with Aberystwyth researchers to breed improved varieties of grass and clover.
On his return to Spain and perhaps inspired by his time at the Welsh Plant Breeding Station, Professor Montserrat established the Pyrenean Herbarium in the 1960's.