Advanced Microscopy and Bio-imaging Laboratory

The current Advanced Microscopy and Bio-imaging Laboratory was established in 2002. It is based in the refurbished Electron Microscope Facility which has been in existence since the mid 1960's and is located on the ground floor of the Edward Llwyd Building on Penglais Campus.
The laboratory has three electron microscopes. Click on their names below to see examples of images from each piece of equipment:
Hitachi S-4700 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
JEOL JEM1400 Flash TEM Transmission Electron Microscope
JEOL 840A Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscope
Other Microscopes
For advanced light microscopy techniques we have a Leica TCS SP5 Laser Confocal Scanning Microscope.
A Leica TCS SP8 HyVolution 2 super-resolution Laser Confocal Scanning Microscope and a variety of fluorescence, polarising and interference contrast microscopes are also available.
Comprehensive specimen preparation facilities include Leica EM MM80E “Slam” freezer, AFS freeze substitution apparatus, Leica CM3050S cryostat, and various ultramicrotomes for TEM and light microscopy sectioning.
All potential users of this facility should firstly read the Guidelines for users of IBERS Advanced Microscopy and Bio-Imaging Laboratory.
University staff members can book any of the microscopes via an online booking system.
The Advanced Microscopy and Bio-Imaging Laboratory is managed by Mr Alan Cookson who has considerable experience in dealing with a vast range of specimens both biological and material and is happy to discuss potential applications and proposals for collaborative research.
Alan Cookson and Susan Girdwood