The IBERS Ecosystem

The IBERS Ecosystem

IBERS researchers work on a wide range of different plants, animals, and agricultural systems, but its core research is centred on meeting the challenges of grassland farming and the science that underpins the breeding of new and improved varieties of oats, forages, legumes, and energy crops.

Based at the Gogerddan campus outside Aberystwyth, IBERS provides national capabilities in grassland and plant breeding science that includes its Seed Bank, the National Plant Phenomics Centre, the Grassland Research Platform, and the biorefining pilot facility.

This unique research ecosystem enables us to develop the crops of tomorrow, helps make agricultural production more sustainable, and helps develop enabling technologies to achieve those aims. By improving field monitoring, making agriculture more precise, and finding new ways to convert plants to products, we are working to reduce our environmental footprint and our reliance on fossil-based fuels and materials.

A vital part of the IBERS ecosystem is our relationships with longstanding industrial partners, farmer networks and outreach teams who help us better understand the challenges facing modern agriculture and help us get new crop varieties, farming practices and industrial processes out of the laboratory and into the real world.