Your first few weeks

To help you settle into the University a structured induction process is crucial.
Your department will take the lead role in the coordination of your process of induction with assistance from Human Resources and the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit.
New staff are encouraged to take ownership of their induction process with their Head of Department responsible for ensuring legal compliance is maintained.
On your first day you will be provided with the induction plan tailored by your department to your specific role.
Important Tasks
Please ensure you complete the following within two weeks of commencing employment:
- Be provided with the induction plan tailored by your department to your specific role
- Login into the Aber People Self Service system which will allow you to securely view, edit and maintain certain details held about you, on the HR and Payroll system. You, and you only, can view your own personal information through this system - this system links securely to your AU username and password, and the site is protected for use over the internet
- It is the responsibility of your line manager to ensure that you have sufficient experience, or have received appropriate training, before you undertake any work activity that contains any significant hazards
- All staff must read the Health, Safety and Environmental Policy Statement and the Health, Safety & Environmental Management: Structure and Responsibilities
- All staff must complete the Health, Safety and Environment Induction Report (F005) and copies of this document must be retained by you and your departmental administrator.
- Diversity E‐learning Course
The diversity online tutorial enables staff to:- familiarise themselves with equality legislation
- understand the broader issues around equality/diversity
- raise their awareness of their responsibilities and rights as members of staff.