Research Students' Consultative Group
The composition of the Research Students' Consultative Group (RSCG) is as follows;
- Chair – Head of the Graduate School
- One representative from each Department
- One representative from GradSoc
- One representative from the Students’ Union
- One representative from Part-time Research Students
- One representative for International Research Students
- One representative for Welsh-medium Research Students
- One representative of academic staff per Faculty
- One representative from Information Services
- One representative from the Academic Registry
- One representative from Human Resources
- One representative from Careers
Reporting Lines
The Research Students’ Consultative Group shall report to the Research Degrees Committee. It shall meet at least twice per academic year.
Terms of Reference
- To receive minutes of Departmental postgraduate research student / staff consultative committees
- To consider issues relating to the general graduate-student environment
- To make recommendations to the Research Degrees Committee
- To provide an opportunity for students and staff to discuss issues of concern in an open forum
- To consider issues arising from student feedback questionnaires