Miss Lisa Ailey
Domestic Assistant |
lia3@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 823025 |
Miss Zakia Ajmal Rasid
Cleaning Operative |
zaa21@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Michael Akehurst
Quality Officer: Mechanical |
mca@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621804 |
Mr Jamie Ambler
Domestic Assistant |
jaa20@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Olugbenga Anjola
Cleaning Operative |
ola69@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Karen Baddeley
Domestic Assistant |
kab15@aber.ac.uk |
Ms Habi Bah
Cleaning Operative |
hab124@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Jessica Barrow
Porter |
jlb23@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Helen Bateman
Cleaning Operative |
heb30@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Ezra Bates
Cleaning Operative |
ezb3@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Thomas Bates
Head of Facilities Management |
tgb@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622437 |
Mr Paul Benjamin
Campus Life Security Operative |
pab17@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621710 |
Mr Ling Berner
Campus Life Team Leader- Security |
lfb@aber.ac.uk |
Ms Kayla Boix Witts
Cleaning Operative |
kab130@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Brandon Bonning
Domestic Assistant |
brb11@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Philip Bowling
Cleaning Operative |
phb26@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622424 |
Miss Julia Brzezinska
Cleaning Operative |
jub41@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Tom Bunce
Post Room Assistant |
tob43@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Coby Capper
Cleaning Operative |
coc28@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Anthony Castle
Cleaning Operative |
anc96@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Fiona Castle
Cleaning Operative |
fic16@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Christopher Chaudhuri
Campus Life Team Leader |
chc28@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622872 |
Mr Mohamed Cheggaf
Security Operative - Nights |
moc@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622872 |
Miss Karen Clarke
Cleaning Operative |
kac60@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Bev Cody
Campus Life Team Leader- Security |
bhc2@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Louis Cody
Campus Life Team Leader- Security |
loc14@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Matthew Collins
Cleaning Operative |
mac176@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Neil Cooke
Maintenance Operative - Property Services Team |
nec22@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Alice Coombes
Facilities Team Leader |
arc30@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Wayne Cullen
Campus Life Security Operative |
wcc@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Mark Culling
Air Handling Maintenance Operative |
mkc11@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Michael Daniel
Facilities Team Leader |
mid13@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622896 |
Mr Alwyn Davies
Campus Life Porter |
ald@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622876 |
Mr Andrew Davies
Maintenance / Operations Manager |
awd8@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621920 |
Mr Carwyn Davies
Cleaning Operative |
cad105@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Dylan Davies
Porter / Cleaner |
dyd1@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Gareth Davies
Domestic Assistant |
grd@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Jonathan Davies
Residence Manager (Res Life) |
jhd11@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628605 |
Miss Mair Davies
Campus Life Security Operative |
mad65@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Martyn Davies
Estates Technician |
msd@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Peter Davies
Campus Life Team Leader- Security |
ped@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Phil Davies
Campus Life Team Leader - Security |
phd2@aber.ac.uk |
Rhodri Davies
Digital Print Operator & Print Finisher |
rhd@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628411 |
Mr Stuart Davies
Campus Life Security Operative |
sld5@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Kayleigh Davis
Assistant Administrator |
kad57@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621947 |
Mr Gabriel Delibas
Security Operative |
gld10@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Elain Donnelly
Facilities Porter |
eld72@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Anita Dowden
Cleaning Operative |
and79@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Ian Dowden
Assistant Residence Manager (Res Life) |
iad3@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628795 |
Mr Joe Duggan
Campus Life Security Operative |
jod14@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Simon Edwards
Compliance Manager |
sse@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622863 |
Mrs Yuphadi Egan
Cleaning Operative |
yue@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Andrew Evans
Cleaning Operative |
ane52@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Iestyn Evans
Assistant Administrator - Central Office |
iee5@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621660 |
Mr Lawrence Evans
Maintenance Operative |
lae36@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Martin Evans
Skilled Maintenance Operative – Electrical |
mae36@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Ruth Evans
Cleaning Operative |
rue8@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Richard Fabianczyk
Facilities Porter |
rif18@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Karolina Falkowska
Cleaning Operative |
kaf27@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Njama Fasuluku
Cleaning Operative |
njf5@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Marty Fennell
Cleaning Operative |
maf73@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Oliver Fergusson
Cleaning Operative |
olf14@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Maria Ferreira
Operations Manager |
elf@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621792 |
Mr Andrew Fleming
Stores Person |
maf30@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622909 |
Mr Sion Francis
Security Operative |
sof7@aber.ac.uk |
Ms Harriet Fuller
Digital Print Operator & Print Finisher |
haf18@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Derek Glennie
Security Team Leader |
ddg@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622649 |
Mr Huw Goodchild
Campus Life Security Operative |
hug@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Colin Gordon
Cleaning Operative |
cig2@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Catherine Green
Facilities Manager |
clg19@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628519 |
Mr Steve Griffiths
Campus Life Team Leader - Security |
sdg2@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622288 |
Mr Osian Harries
Cleaning Operative |
osh6@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Peter Heading
Estates Technician |
prh@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 823233 |
Mr Stephen Hearne
Cleaning Operative |
shh@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Peter Hemming
Campus Life Security Operative |
pnh@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Daniel Herron
Campus Life Security Operative |
dah22@aber.ac.uk |
Mr James Hobbs
Assistant Administrator |
jah193@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621541 |
Ms Iona Holloway
Assistant Administrator |
iih@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622933 |
Mr Anthony Holmes
Team Leader |
anh38@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622875 |
Mrs Rebecca Hull
Cleaning Operative |
reb24@aber.ac.uk |
Mx Hedy Hume
Cleaning Operative |
heh52@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Colin Humphreys-Thompson
Campus Life Security Operative |
cot@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Sunday Inonoje
Cleaning Operative |
sui4@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Andrea James
Director of Estates, Facilities and Residences |
ajp23@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621918 |
Mrs Marian James
Cleaning Operative |
mej@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Brian Wyn Jones Kinlin
Campus Life Security Operative |
bwj@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Alan Jones
Campus Life Team Leader- Security |
alj20@aber.ac.uk |
Mr David Jones
Cleaning Operative |
dmj8@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Finn Jones
Cleaning Operative |
fij5@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Gruffudd Jones
Skilled Maintenance Operative – Building |
grj15@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Kim Jones
Cleaning Operative |
klj@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Natasha Jones
Facilities Assistant Manager |
nrj1@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622943 |
Mrs Sian Jones
Cleaning Operative |
sij32@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Simon Jones
Campus Life Security Operative |
dtj@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Kathleen Keeler Hayward
Domestic Supervisor |
khk@aber.ac.uk |
Ms Mary Keeler-Kenyon
Senior Residence Manager |
mak14@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Natalia Kwaczynska
Cleaning Operative |
nak38@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Holly Lambert
Professional Pathways - Estates, Facilities and Residences |
hol13@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Dafydd Lloyd-Lewis
Maintenance Operative |
dal26@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Peter Lucas
Cleaning Operative |
pwl1@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Steven Mace
Cleaning Operative |
stm16@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621600 |
Dr Tim Macy
Space Planning Manager |
tmm@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628714 |
Mr Richard Mancini-Howells
Skilled Maintenance Operative - Electrical |
rih20@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Mark Mattick
Campus Life Porter |
mam@aber.ac.uk |
Ms Karen Mc Guirk
Cleaning Operative |
kam117@aber.ac.uk |
Andrew McConochie
Digital Print & Finishing Manager |
aem@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622067 |
Mr Jack Mcdonald
Cleaning Operative |
jam148@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Alina Meglly
Cleaning Operative |
alm109@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Abdul Moiz
Cleaning Operative |
abm26@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Mark Moralee-Hughes
Skilled Maintenance Operative- Carpentry |
mam102@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Daniel Morgan
Cleaning Operative |
dam118@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Gaynor Morgan
Assistant Administrator |
ggl@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628591 |
Mr Neil Morgan
Campus Life Security Operative |
ngm@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Shane Morgan
Senior Post Room Assistant |
shm29@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Mark Mountford
Quality Officer |
mkm@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628720 |
Mr Charles Neville
Maintainance Manager |
crn2@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622901 |
Mr Ryan Nicoll
Security Team Leader |
ryn2@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622939 |
Mr Luciano O'Donovan
Security Operative |
lmo@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Gerwyn Parry
Campus Life Security Operative |
dgp@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 823025 |
Mr Luke Pearson
Cleaning Operative |
lup54@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Oliver Powell
Facilities Porter |
olp21@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Christopher Pugh
Skilled Maintenance Operative |
chp10@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622877 |
Mr Idris Pugh
Campus Life Security Operative |
idp@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Linda Pursall
Cleaning Operative |
lip35@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Christina Rees
Facilities Team Leader |
chr14@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Ioan Richards
Campus Life Security Operative |
irr1@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Ken Richards
Post Room Assistant Manager |
ker11@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Christian Roberts
Night Porter |
cjr4@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Huw Roberts
Assistant Residence Manager (Property) |
hur7@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621966 |
Mrs Julie Roberts
Departmental Administrator |
jxr@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621951 |
Mr Gary Robinson
Helpdesk Operator |
gar33@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Louise Rogers
Domestic Assistant |
ank23@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Mark Rogers
Facilities Team Leader |
mar144@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Michal Rolewski
Cleaning Operative |
mir57@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Bartosz Romanczuk
Cleaning Operative |
bar9@aber.ac.uk |
Dr Wendy Shaw
Cleaning Operative |
wes9@aber.ac.uk |
Mx Ren Skalka
Administrative Officer |
res66@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622902 |
Mr Mark Skipp
Facilities Team Leader |
mas26@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 628589 |
Mr Darren Smith
Campus Life Porter |
dds@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622872 |
Miss Francesca Smith
Assistant Administrator |
frs12@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622773 |
Mr Robert Smith
Cleaning Operative |
ros21@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Sue Smith
Campus Life Team Leader- Security |
sus13@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622149 |
Mr Jack Swatton
Cleaning Operative |
jas215@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Anthony Sweeney
Campus Life Security Operative |
ans71@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Peter Sweeney
Campus Life Security Operative |
pws@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Tanya Sweeney
Security Team Leader |
tas15@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622972 |
Mr Daniel Teelan
Professional Pathways - Estates, Facilities and Residences |
dat83@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Adam Thomas
Campus Life Security Operative |
adt17@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Andrew Thomas
Head of Projects & Maintenance |
ajt19@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 621882 |
Mr Bryn Thomas
Cleaning Operative |
brt13@aber.ac.uk |
Mr David Thomas
Cleaning Operative |
dat18@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Emma Thomas
Cleaning Operative |
emt34@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Tony Thomas
Cleaning Operative |
tot19@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Eira Thompson
Cleaning Operative |
eit2@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Daniel Tooley
Cleaning Operative |
dat76@aber.ac.uk |
Lee Trubshaw
Campus Life Team Leader - Security |
let@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Catherine Turner
Cleaning Operative |
cat60@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Georgie Turner
Cleaning Operative |
get30@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Willow Turner
Cleaning Operative |
wit17@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Nicholas Wareing
Skilled Maintenance Operative- Electrical |
ndw6@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Mark Whitney
Security Manager |
mrw10@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622822 |
Mrs Daeng Williams
Cleaning Operative |
daw25@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Gwawr Williams
Assistant Residence Manager (Property) |
gsw@aber.ac.uk |
+44 (0) 1970 622931 |
Mr Ian Williams
Skilled Maintenance Operative – Mechanical / Plumbing |
iaw7@aber.ac.uk |
Ms Janice Williams
Cleaning Operative |
jaj86@aber.ac.uk |
Mr Mark Williams
Campus Life Security Operative |
maw88@aber.ac.uk |
Mrs Pranee Williams
Cleaning Operative |
prw1@aber.ac.uk |
Mr James Willson
Porter / Cleaner |
jaw29@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Abigail Witherstone
Professional Pathways - Estates, Facilities and Residences |
abw36@aber.ac.uk |
Miss Liva Zviedre
Cleaning Operative |
liz19@aber.ac.uk |