Traffic and Parking Regulations

Please read and familiarise yourself with the traffic and parking regulations below.
1.0 - General
1.1 - The University's Traffic and Parking Regulations apply to staff, students and members of the public who use motor vehicles on the University's estate.
1.1.1 - Vehicles unlicensed in terms of the Vehicles (Excise) Act, or un-roadworthy vehicles, are not permitted to be parked on University property. The University reserves the right to treat such vehicles as abandoned and may take steps for their removal at the owner's expense.
1.1.2 - Any vehicle judged to be un-roadworthy or abandoned on University property will be required to be removed. If the vehicle owner has not removed the vehicle within 30 days of being given written notice, the University will arrange for the collection and disposal of the vehicle at its discretion and recover any expense incurred. Neither the University nor its officers shall be responsible for any damage caused to a vehicle under such circumstances.
1.2 - The following are strictly prohibited on University property:
The parking and use of caravans, camp vans or similar for overnight accommodation
a. major repair or maintenance of vehicles;
1.2.1 - Persons using or parking a motor vehicle on University property:
a. do so entirely at their own risk, whether to themselves, their passengers, the vehicle or its contents
b. shall observe all the provisions of the law relating to the use of a vehicle on public roads, and the further requirements of these regulations
c. will observe the maximum speed limit for vehicles within the Campus of 20 miles per hour.
1.3 - Vehicles must at all times be driven in accordance with the Highway Code and with due care and consideration for all vehicular traffic, pedestrians, university property and wildlife. Drivers must treat pedestrian crossings on the campus in the same way as those used on the public highway.
1.4 - Users of motor vehicles who persistently fail to comply with these regulations or behave in a manner which is dangerous or inconsiderate to other campus users may have their parking permits withdrawn, and vehicles banned from site.
1.5 - The nature of the university campuses and the volume of pedestrian traffic on them create a difficult environment for motor vehicles. Although every effort is made to separate pedestrians and motor vehicles it remains incumbent upon drivers to be alert to pedestrian movements and to drive accordingly. In general pedestrians are to be given priority over vehicular traffic.
1.6 - The University reserves the right to withdraw permits, to update these regulations as necessary or to change the areas where car parking is allowed.
1.7 - The use of electric scooters on university roads, footpaths and pavements is strictly prohibited.
2.0 - Parking Permits
2.1 - The permit is intended to enable the permit holder to park in connection with university business, or whilst using its associated facilities.
2.2 - Permit Eligibility
a. Full or Part Time members of staff. A member of staff will have a current AU contract and is able to provide a payroll number.
b. Registered students who are either resident in university owned halls or live 3 miles or more from the Penglais Campus.
c. Permits may be issued to other persons who are regularly on official University business.
2.3 - Any member of staff or student wishing to bring their vehicle onto the University's estate must first register their details and obtain a parking permit.
2.4 - Any lost or damaged permit/s must be reported to Estates, Facilities & Residences. A £10 administration charge will be levied to the holder for a replacement permit. The University reserves the right to withdraw permits without refund.
2.5 - Parking permits remain the property of the University. Should you leave the University's employment, or are no longer a registered student, or member of staff, you must return the permit to your line manager, who will arranged for it to be returned to Estates, Facilities and Residences.
3.0 - Vehicle Parking
3.1 - Parking is only permitted in designated parking spaces, and where specified, to holders of appropriate and valid University parking permits. Parking on any other area of University land is strictly prohibited. All vehicle parks are controlled by authorised University staff.
3.2 - Any member of staff or student wishing to bring their vehicle on to the University's estate must first register their details and obtain a parking permit.
3.3 - Parking permits are colour coded according to areas where authorised parking is permitted:-
a. Restricted - a Blue permit is valid for all car parks for anyone in possession of a Blue Badge;
b. Staff - a White & Blue permit is valid for Staff car parks;
c. Halls - a Purple permit is valid Halls car parks only.
3.4 - Parking permits must be displayed in a prominent position inside the front windscreen of a motorcar or on an easily visible point of a motorcycle.
3.5 - In the interest of site security, permit holders are required to notify Security Staff of vehicles to be left overnight in Staff car parks.
3.6 - The irregular pattern of use of car parking by users enables the number of permits issued to exceed the number of spaces available. To take full advantage of this situation, reserved space and restricted parking areas will be limited to those circumstances where there is a justifiable requirement such as:
a. Departmental vehicle loading point
b. Disabled driver
c. Taxi set down point
d. Too few spaces for diversity of use to operate.
4.0 - Parking Conditions & Contraventions
4.1 - Site Security is charged with the implementation and enforcement of the University's Traffic and Parking Regulations, which will be enforced as set out below:
4.2 - Contraventions
4.2.1 - Parking on University property entails an assumed 'contract of parking', the conditions of which are stated on signage at entrances to the University and, in or at the entrance to, car parks. The University operates as a sanction the issuing of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) to vehicles that contravene the parking regulations.
4.2.2 - Any breach of these conditions leaves the driver of the vehicle liable to the issue of a PCN by a security officer. The notice gives the driver details of the breach and an opportunity to discharge the debt by payment to the managing company. The charge is £80 but if the debt is paid promptly (within 14 days) a 50% discount will be applied (£40)
4.2.3 - In the first instance, any vehicle contravening the Aberystwyth University Parking Regulations will be issued with a warning notice. This notice may be adhesive and will be attached to the windscreen.
4.2.4 - In the case of a second contravention, a PCN will be issued and attached to the windscreen.
4.2.5 - Although the ticket is issued by University Security staff, all follow up action including payment collection and appeal management, is dealt with by the managing company Car Parking Partnership, details of which can be found on the Civil Parking Notice.
4.2.6 - If the parking charge is not paid within 28 days, the managing company will request the registered keepers' details from the DVLA. They will then write to the registered keeper to inform them a parking charge is payable. If the keeper cannot, or will not identify the driver, the keeper becomes liable. (Protection of Freedoms Act 2010-12).
4.3 - Parking Conditions
4.3.1 - The 'Contract of Parking' includes that a driver should not:
- Fail to pay the appropriate car parking charges for the full duration of the stay.
- Overstay the permitted time.
- Park across more than a single marked bay.
- Park in a disabled parking bay without displaying a valid parking badge.
- Park in a loading bay during restricted hours when not actually unloading.
- Park in a reserved parking space without clearly displaying a valid permit.
- Park in an area reserved for emergency vehicles.
- Park in an unauthorised area.
- Park in 'Permit Holders Only' area when you are the holder of a Pay & Display ticket.
- Park on double yellow lines or in a cross-hatched area.
- Park of grassed or gravel areas not designed for parking without authority from Security Staff given for that occasion.
- Park so as to cause obstruction or inconvenience to others.
- Park without clearly displaying the required permit or Pay & Display ticket.
5.0 - Enforcement and Appeals
5.1 - A full appeals process is available with details of how to appeal is provided on the issued Parking Charge Notice. All appeals are dealt with in a fair and ethical manner by the Enforcement company who are regulated by the British Parking Association.
5.2 - All appeals are dealt with and considered on an individual basis. The circumstances of the PCN that has been issued will be considered in line with our parking regulations.
5.3 - Once the company are in receipt of your correspondence, the process will be put on hold whilst the appeal is being considered. If the appeal is received within the 14 day discount period, the case will be placed on hold at the reduced fee. Cases are automatically placed in a queue and reviewed in sequential order by the date the challenge is received. If further correspondence is received before the appeal is reviewed the case will be re sequenced.
5.4 - To ensure a full audit trail exists, all appeals are to be made in writing. The contact details for appeals and payment is printed on the reverse of the PCN and on signs at the site.
5.5 - PLEASE NOTE: If a PCN is paid an appeal cannot be submitted retrospectively.