Our Cleaning Services

Our Cleaning Team work mainly Monday to Friday (excluding University closed periods and Bank Holidays) across many of our Campuses and outlying areas.
Our services include;
- Cleaning over 37 000 square metres of communal spaces including corridors and stairwells, bathrooms, teaching rooms, meeting rooms, kitchenettes and seating areas as well as Sports Facilities, Libraries and the Student Union Buildings
- Touch point cleaning to reduce the spread of infections
- Keeping our hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes and mask stocks full (button to link to request form)
- Completing office cleaning requests (button to link to request form)
- Cleaning the stairwells and study spaces within our Residential Estate
- Cleaning 3500 bedrooms in flats and houses when our students leave our Residences
- Cleaning bedrooms for our summer conference bookings
- Managing the linen required for our conference guests each summer