Dr Hannah Dee
BSc, MA, PhD University of Leeds

Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
Contact Details
- Email: hmd1@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0003-2573-9541
- Office: E44, Llandinam Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621577
- Personal Website: http://users.aber.ac.uk/hmd1
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=qu8qeygAAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
Hannah has a BSc in Cognitive Science (1996), an MA in Philosophy (1998) and a PhD in Computing (2005) all from the University of Leeds. She is a women in computing activist: she founded the BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium, a national conference for women undergraduate and taught MSc students in computer science, in 2008 and has been chair or deputy chair of the event every year since. She was on the committee of BCSWomen 2007-2023. Hannah appeared in the Computer Weekly women in IT top 50 four years running, and was inducted into their "Hall of Fame" in 2018. She was a holder of a Suffrage Science award 2018-2020. She was awarded the BCS Meritorious Service award for voluntary service across BCS Mid Wales and BCSWomen, 2016.
She has conducted research into applied computer vision, the detection of shadows and reasoning about shadows, and student attitudes to the study of computer science. Before coming to Aberystwyth, Hannah held postdoctoral positions in Grenoble (France), Leeds, and Kingston upon Thames. Now her research efforts centre on diversity and student teaching matters.
Note: Hannah is part-time and usually works Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
Module Coordinator
- CC11110 - Diogelwch Gwybodaeth
- CS11110 - Information security
- CSM3120 - Modelling, Managing and Securing Data
- CSM3120 - Modelling, Managing and Securing Data
- CS11110 - Information security
- CC11110 - Diogelwch Gwybodaeth
- CS22120 - Software Engineering
- CS22220 - Software Engineering for the Web
- CS18120 - Study Skills for Computer Science
- CS10220 - Introduction to Computer Infrastructure
Hannah enjoys teaching and has received several teaching awards since arriving in Aberystwyth:
- Senior fellowship of the HEA (SFHEA), 2018
- Student led teaching awards (SLTA), highly commended, technology enhanced learning category, 2016
- Exemplary Course Awards (ECA), highly commended for Computer Vision, 2015
- Exemplary Course Awards (ECA), highly commended for Client Side Graphics module, 2014
- Student led teaching awards (SLTA), highly commended, teaching through technology category, 2013
- Aberystwyth University Learning and Teaching Fellowship (AULTF), 2012
Research Groups
- Athena SWAN