Data, Services and Software

Road Driving

Ososinski, M., Labrosse, F. 2015. Automatic driving on ill-defined roads: an adaptive, shape-constrained, color-based method. Journal of Field Robotics 32 (4) pp. 504-533. 10.1002/rob.21494

Data (and ground truth)


A Dynamic Color Perception System for Autonomous Driving in Unmarked Roads.

Submitted for publicatiom.

Authors: Aparajit Narayan, Elio Tuci, Frédéric Labrosse, and Muhanad H. Mohammed Alkilabi

Supplementary Document

Road Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks.

Authors: Aparajit Narayan, Elio Tuci, Frédéric Labrosse, and Muhanad H. Mohammed Alkilabi

Supplementary Document

Swarm Robotics

Muhanad H. Muhammed Alkilabi, Aparajit Narayan, and Elio Tuci. “Design and analysis of proximate mechanisms for cooperative transport in real robots”. Proc. of the 10 th Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS) , pages 101–112. Springer, 2016. supplementary (ANTS PDF)

Muhanad H. Muhammed Alkilabi, Aparajit Narayan, Chuan Lu, and Elio Tuci. “Evolving group transport strategies for e-puck robots: moving objects towards a target area”, Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS) . Springer STAR, 2016. supplementary (DARS PDF)

Muhanad H. Muhammed Alkilabi, Aparajit Narayan, and Elio Tuci. “Cooperative Object Transport with a Swarm of E-puck Robots: Robustness and Scalability of Evolved Collective Strategies”. Submitted to Swarm Intelligence journal, Oct. 2016. supplementary (Supplementary Material PDF,  Simulation TAR File (R))

Synthetic grasping data set

As part of research on deep learning of grasp patterns, based on the TUB dataset, a synthetic data set has been generated to expand the training.

Sythnetic data set

This can be referenced as:

Zia, A, Tiddeman, B & Shaw, P 2018, Estimating Grasping Patterns from Images Using Finetuned Convolutional Neural Networks. in M Giuliani, T Assaf & ME Giannaccini (eds), Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: TAROS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10965, Springer Nature, pp. 64-75.