Resit Charges

There is a resit charge for all students who have a resit indicator of ‘A’, ‘R’, 'P' and ‘F’.  These charges will normally be waived in the case of students with ‘M’, ‘H’, ‘S’ or 'T' resit indicators. 

Charge for failed modules in 2024/2025:

  • 5 credits £90
  • 10 credits - £100

  • 15 credits - £115
  • 20 credits - £130

  • 25 credits - £145
  • 30 credits - £155

  • 35 credits - £165
  • 40 credits or more - £175

Any queries contact the Fees Office by emailing or phone 01970 622043. For credit card payment or enquiries please contact the Fees Office as detailed below;  Please do not send payments to the Academic Registry.

All enquiries regarding payments should be made to;

Fees Office
Aberystwyth University
12 Science Park
Cefn Llan
SY23 3AH
Phone: 01970 622043