3.11 The Role of a Reader/ Amanuensis in Examinations
The Role of a Reader in Examinations
1. The Reader is the communication channel through which the student can access their examination paper. The Reader is not required to interpret the examination paper for the student, but is a ‘reading instrument’ only. Any interpretation, or understanding of any aspect of the examination paper, is the responsibility of the student.
2. A reader needs to:
(i) be understanding of the needs of the relevant categories of students and have respect for student confidentiality
(ii) be punctual, patient, reliable and trustworthy
(iii) be a competent reader with a clear, articulate voice
(iv) read at normal reading speed
(v) read the rubrics and questions, words on diagrams, maps etc.
(vi) read as often as the student requests.
3. On the day of the examination, Readers must arrive 20 minutes before the start of the examination to discuss with the student how the Reader will be used by the student and to establish with the student, exactly what can and cannot be done during the examination.
4. Most students using a Reader will be familiar with the processes involved during examinations. It is also likely that a student using a Reader will have extra time in their examination (typically 15 minutes per hour of examination) and the Reader will be required to stay with the student until they have finished their paper.
5. A Reader may NOT:
(i) read the questions before reading the exam rubrics
(ii) explain the meanings of words or questions
(iii) give additional information around any text or graphic details e.g. diagrams
(iv) refuse to read anything written even though you may have read it several times already
(v) read any section of the paper if not requested to do so.
The Role of an Amanuensis in Examinations
6. The Amanuensis:
(i) Shall also subsume the role of Reader
(ii) Shall not give factual help or offer suggestions to the candidate
(iii) Shall not advise the candidate on how to organise responses
(iv) Shall have clear/legible hand-writing and the ability to punctuate and spell correctly
(v) Shall not correct a candidate’s grammatical errors
(vi) Shall write down answers exactly as they are dictated and shall draw diagrams, maps and graphs only in accordance with the candidate’s instructions
(vii) Should ask the candidate to spell technical terms and other specialist words
7. An Amanuensis should NOT:
(i) alter the content of a candidate’s given answer in ANY way
(ii) give any indication to the student of the appropriateness of their answer
(iii) give advice to the student regarding when to move on to the next question.